

It all started 2 years back

It was dark already, I took a glance at my watch to check the time and to my horror, it was even more late than I expected it to be. It's 2 a.m. It took me a little longer than I expected to finish up my assignment at my office.

I locked the office and took out my phone to call my driver. But it doesn't seem like a good deed to disturb someone this late, so I decided to walk back home.

Soon I felt like I had some company, due to the bad lighting I couldn't make out who was I being followed by.

But being a coward I broke into a sprint.

Panting in fear and exertion, I continued to push myself to my limit, hoping and praying for some blessed, living soul to walk out and help me.

My answer came not how I expected, in the form of a broad chest that I smashed into while checking behind for my pursuers.

"hey," a rough voice murmurs "Are you okay?"

Oh, no.


I prayed for a living soul but not this one.

It was Hinata. One of the most fearsome members of the renowned mafia group Yakuzas, otherwise known as "Bloods & Sins".

"huh, yeah I'm great" I tried to brush off the panic, casually drawing away from him and avoiding his concerned gaze as if I don't have a care in the world. But, in reality, my fear had only been heightened. "Sorry to worry you, have a nice night."

"Hey!" I start to walk away, but he grabbed my shoulder. "are you sure you're, okay? HIKARI right? I can walk you home..."

It's deceitful, his voice and there was something in it that tried to coax me to his will.

Let me take you home. You will be safe with me.

Solidarity with a stalker on the loose, or being escorted by an assassin?

I'd choose option one.

"I'm really fine" I repeat, shrugging out of his hold. Well, I would've shrugged out of his hold but he wouldn't let me.

"Let me walk you home," The brown-haired man said again, but this time his silky, charismatic voice was underlined with steel.

His grasp on my shoulder tightened, and he steered me down the street.

In the wrong direction.

"My apartment isn't this way," I say quickly as I try to wiggle out of his hold. There was a thin veil of politeness covering the obvious tension in the conversation. "Let go!"

"Sorry Hikari, but orders are orders," Kai muttered his large, strong hand grasped my shoulder hard enough to make me yelp.

Spinning around, I tried twisting his hand off of me but he simply let go and then grabbed me by the arm, solidifying the strength of his hold.

Up the road, there was a vehicle heading down my way

Flag it down, my mind told me instantly, but my gut said I might not want to grab its attention.

Kai wasn't worried about it; he was staring at the dull black van as it rolled forward, anticipating its arrival.

Crap, if I get a chance to get away, I've gotta take it, before I'm shoved into the creeper van.

I don't know what the Yakuzas want from me, but I'm sure they won't be too kind about getting it. That scared the shit out of me.

The van finally reached me, screeching to a stop on the road in front of where I and Kai stood.

This might be my only chance when they're trying to get me in.

I have to try and make an escape.

But, as the door slid open and revealed the van's interior, my plans of escaping went flying out of the window.

Inside there was a man sitting on the floorboard.

Long legs cladded in black denim were spread open, braced on the floor of the van and they ended in black leather boots.

His hair was glossy black and his jawline was straight and square.

One hand resting on the van's seat and the other was holding a gun, with its shiny black barrel pointing in my face.

"Get in the van, HIKARI," said Baekhyun while gritting his teeth "we've got some work for you"

It went without saying that I got inside the van. I kept my eyes locked on the glistening handgun aimed at my forehead as I gingerly climbed inside the vehicle.

Inside, the driver and the passenger's seat were hidden with a divisor similar to that in a limo. The sliding door available for communications between the driver and the passengers was sealed shut.

There were seats lining the sides like a SWAT vehicle instead of regular seats.

I had no way of keeping track of where we were headed.

"Hey." Kai who was watching me with huge sober eyes across the van tilted his head to the side "I know what you're thinking. There's no chance. So don't even try."

I glared back at him, unrepentant.

I only thing I could possibly be in trouble for could be my family relations but even then I had never been involved.

Not ever.

"What do you want from me? Where are you taking me?" It took me to muster all the courage inside of me to force out the words.

At the sound of my voice, Baekhyun's eyes fixated on me "What do you think we want from you, Lee Hikari?"

My heart jumped in my throat. He knew my actual last name, not the fake one that I had been using.

That means they know where I come from too.

"I don't know that's why I'm asking." playing dumb wouldn't work I knew, but I had to try anyways.

"Don't do that," Baekhyun glared at me " As if we're dumb enough to not freckin find out that the only daughter of one of the biggest mob bosses is roaming around freely with a fake name?"

That's it. There goes my happy, sweet life.

"I don't want to be involved with my family, Besides I live alone and away from them, maintaining zero contacts wit-"

"You live on street 53-1, Wonduri, Moga-myeon, city Icheon-si in the province Gyeonggi-do. Your phone number is +82-3-424-8480 and you call your sister Nayeon every day, who happens to live in the same house as your freckin father."

That's the power of the most renowned mafia group.

"She's my only contact left." I eye-rolled as I spoke.

"Just shut up and sit back or I'm gonna shoot your foot. Not fatal, but extremely painful."

I slithered back to my seat with my hands crossed not willing to utter another word.

Soon I was blindfolded and taken to a mysterious place.

The smell of smoke and drinks messed with my senses. I had always found the disgusting odor of smoke revolting.

I could hear men talking, and clinks of metal, obviously guns and related battle material.

I was terrified to be there but I had no place to run to.

Soon abruptly my blindfold was taken off revealing me to bright light.

The room was dark and fearful. The walls of the deepest shade of Red, the floor covered with black tiles. The sitting material was darker than my pure black hair.

I was pushed forcefully and I landed on my knees, not to mention my hands were handcuffed.

"Well well well, Who do we have here? Daddy's Lil girl who ran away?" The leader of the gang

was vicariously abhorrent. I know him. No, not personally, but I've seen him, he's famous, just as their group is. The group...

They're Yakuza.


Yakuza also known as gokudō are members of transnational organized crime syndicates originating in Japan. The Japanese police and media by request of the police, calls them bōryokudan "violent groups" while the yakuza call themselves ninkyō dantai "chivalrous organizations" The English equivalent for the term yakuza is gangster, meaning an individual involved in a Mafia-like criminal organization.

The yakuza are known for their strict codes of conduct, their organized fiefdom nature and several unconventional ritual practices such as yubitsume or amputation of the left little finger.

Members are often described as males, wearing "sharp suits" with heavily tattooed bodies and slicked hair. This group is still regarded as being among "the most sophisticated and wealthiest criminal organizations".

"Not beating around the bush, I'll get straight to the point. We have a task for you!"

He smirked, one that seemed victorious. He is Shimizu Jirocho. He's the oldest member of the group. The most senior, by origin and by age.

"What is it?" I couldn't take it anymore, I didn't like all the pressure being put on me.

"Aren't you eager to know?" His voice got deeper by the second, his eyes widening like that of a demon.

"We need you to destroy BTS"

What? No, moreover why? Just why? and how's that of any profit to them? How foolish, isn't it? Being such a large crime syndicate and their motive being the complete opposite. I let out a little laugh at his half-witted ridiculous desire to destroy who? BTS? A mere boy band for what reason goddamn it.

"Find it a little funny don't you?" He slapped me with force enough to throw me miles away.

What the fuck-

"Maybe you find it funny. Well, I don't. I'm receiving thrice the amount of money that Google might make in a year just to make them disband"

Who would want to destroy BTS and being this desperate to approach a mafia group is Imprudent. I don't think money is their driving force, there's something much beyond than such a trivial reason.

I grit my teeth as I place my hand over my face, where the pain was.

Goddamn it. I should watch what I say while I'm here.

"You know what you have to do or else your sister...what's her name again? Nayeon? Her life is at stake"



