
Chaptre 6 : The World Requiem

Dio backed up and used his 6,000 wave units to accelerate his recovery.

With the effect 300% of Giorno Giovanna's Suit he recovered in less than two seconds but his Hp had already dropped to 3470.

Time resumed its course.

The body of the red demon had his arm piercing the air with his sword in his other hand.

He picked up her head on the ground, then posed it to her neck and his body returned to its normal state.

"You surprise me, young human, but your previous actions have revealed three things about you."

"First, you have the ability or treasure to teleport in small range"

"Second, you're not part of any cult, because you don't know anything about the abilities of a soul Nascent."

"Third, your attacks have the maximum power of a Nascent Soul level 4."

"My name is Wujiangu, human I slightly admire you for your strength, what would you say to give me your treasure and i'll let you live."

While Wujiangu was talking to him, Dio was discuss with the system.

"System can I use The World and The Hand at the same time"

"No, stupid host."


"Have you ever tried to drive two cars manually at the same time?"

"A stand is a materialization of the spirit or soul of its owner, using two stands at the same time is like trying to hold two elephants on a bicycle."

"Your soul would break"

Explained the mechanical voice of the system.

"I understand." says Dio

Dio stared at Wujingu who was counting down and rushed towards him at full speed

Wujiangu pushed him back with his Soul Weapon.

"Kid, do you know what the difference is between a soul Nascent and a Qi Spirit?"

"Once be Nascent soul we become immortal, we can only die if somebody destroy our souls or soul weapon"

"If I'm not mistaken, you must be a Qu Spirit level 10, your treasure probably allows you to stand up to a Nascent Soul level 4 but it's not enough"

"You're a veritabne genius what would you say about joining our tribe even though you're human the chief and the superior elders will appreciate a talent like you"

"I have a question, you have participat in the extermination of this tribe?" asked Dio

"If that's what's bothering you, kid, know that I found this tribe already massacred when I arrived."

"But if you have any connection to this tribe, if you accept my proposal I will let the last survivors join the tribe of heavenly demons"

"I'm giving you five seconds to think about my proposal."

A big and brutal smile appeared on Dio's lips and he concentrated 8,000 units of Ripple, An extremely hot golden red ball was formed at his fingertips.

"No use it won't work on me, kid."

"But it's not you I want"

Dio pointed his fingers at Janemba's uncle who was about to capture this one.

"Air Ripple Laser Arrow"

"Well, you're the one who deliberately chose death as a kid."

A small laser beam passed through the void and drilling Janenba's uncle's head

Janenba was surprised, he took a look at Dio, then looked at his uncle's body horribly on the ground.

He felt no sadness, in fact he even felt a little pleasure Mix with melancholy.

"It's Karma" he thought

Wujiangu looked at Dio with coldness

"So I have to take this as a refusal"

"Congratulations to the host, you finish the quest: To kill is to be killed

Helping Janenba to revenge his tribe

-"Reward: draw LVL Silver × 3."

"Drawing system"

"Draw launched...Congratulations to the host for winning LvL Silver Awakening arrow x1,

Joestar gene × 1, Stand Empror"

"The World"

The world appeared behind

"System give me awakening arrow"

Just after finishing speaking a slightly old golden arrow appeared in his hand.

In the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series, this arrow can used to awaken the stand of the person being pierced by it but it had a second use in Golden Wind part it allowed to temporarily switch a stand to Requiem mode increasing its capacities in a crazy way

Wujiangu materialized his sword once again, but this time it was 10 times Big and strong.

The ground was shaking, the atmosphere became suffocating as if a giant beast was waking up from its sleep.

"Soul weapon Awakening"

Dio panicked slightly there was almost no energy left, if he does not sucess his next attacks only death will await him.

Dio broke away and pierced The World with the arrow.

It entered the body of The World, two seconde leter, the clocks on his hand broke and were replaced by hourglasses, then its head shattered replaced by three, one young, one adult and one old.

Its Body grew by 50 Cm and took a black gold color.

Then Wujiangu flew quickly to 300 m from the ground and raised his sword.


Then dropped a huge qi sword more than 4 km long and 1 km wide in the direction of Dio.

The aura around Dio's body instantly changed her hair became dark black gold replacing her blonde color Joestar's genes, enlarge her body, making her reach 195 cm with a strong and imposing musculature.

As Wujiangu's attack approached him he whispered

"Za Wurdo Requiem"

The world around him froze, but differently from previous times time seemed to be going backwards

Like a film that is rewound backwards.

[-The World (Act 2) Requiem

Consumption : 1 year of your life span/mn

Lvl: ●

Range: 1000m

Speed: 1560 km/h















Time Stop:

Effect: Free you from time

Consumption: One day of your life span

Duration: 1 mn

Cooldown: 2s

Time Reverse :

Effect : Go back to the past

Consumption: twenty months of your life span

Duration: 20 secondes

Cooldown: 1mn

Time Prison :

Effect : Create a frozen time bubble

consumption : 6 months of your life span

Duration : 60h

cooldown : 1h

Time Skip :

Effect : Moving forward in time

consumption : Ten months of your life span

Duration : 1h

cooldown : 10h

Wujiangu repeated all his previous actions backwards, until the moment he was about to attack Dio.

And time resumed its course

Wujiangu looked at Dio with coldness

"So I have to take this as a refusal"

Wujiangu materialized his sword once again.

The scene repeated itself a second time, but before he finished speaking, Dio whispered again

"Za Wārudo"

This time time froze completely Dio approached him.

He laid his hands on the sword sword of Wujiangu and locked them in a purple bubble.

He returned to his original position and whispered

"Za Wurdo"

Time resumed its course, the sword of Wujiangu disappeared completely from his hand.

"WHAT, my Soul weapon, where is my soul weapon!!!!" Says Wujiangu panicked

A Soul weapon was the evolution of a spirit weapon when you move to the Nascent Soul level 5.

It is 10 times more powerful, resistant than a Spirit weapon and on top of that it was impossible for a cultivator to steal Soul Weapon from another cultivator.

Because the soul weapon considered its owner as an intimate relative, whatever happens they will always have a spiritual link even millions of kilometers away.

How can he not be surprised to lose his gun.

He looked in all directions and noticed Dio's change in aura and appearance.

His initially panicked mood turned to anger, he turned his eyes to Dio.

"It's you, where is my Soul Weapon, answer me"

Wujiangu's body released a deadly aura and powered, he was only having a little fun with Dio, he didn't even used 50% of his power in the previous fight.

He loved to see the slow despair of the weakest as he crushed them with his power.

This earned him the nickname Devourer of Despair on the battlefield.

But how could he have foreseen that the young man he wanted to play with and even recruit for a while had managed to steal his precious Soul weapon.

He released all his power the pressure of his soul was such that the ground was shaking more than 20km away.

Even Janenba hiding in the distance was already unconscious on the ground with many cracks on her body.

Dio's pupils contracted, if he didn't have a stand, this pressure could have crushed him like a fly.

But he always remained calm

"You told me the only way to kill you, is to destroy your weapon"

Says Dio as a bubble containing a sword appeared before him

"Then die"

The effect of The World Requiem on the sword was cancelled out

"The Hand destroys this weapon" shouted Dio

The hand appeared behind Dio and touched Wujiangu's Soul weapon.

"Nooooooo!!!!!!" Wujiangu shouted

To trying recall his weapon, although he could not see The Hand, but the spiritual connection he had with his Soul weapon warned him of a terrible danger.

"This ends here! You will not leave this place alive!"

When Hand's palm landed on the Soul weapon, she wrapped in a kind Green fluide before disappearing as if it had never existed.

"Aghaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Wujiangu screamed while his body fell to the ground.

Dio walked to Wujiangu's body and threw him into the air

"The World"

The World appeared behind Dio, and hit Wujiangu's body with all its strength.


Wujiangu's body exploded, shredded by The World's fists.

Dio looked at this scene coldly and smiled


Before fainting

While waiting for the next update you can also read my work Infite Survival.

Good reading;)

Otaku_kingcreators' thoughts