
The Dementor

As the next day begun, Harry called me out of the trunk because we had to get breakfast. I went there and Molly begun to talk with Hermione, Ginny and me about a love potion she made as a young girl. But I wasn't listening. I was all night until that moment thinking of different situations with Sirius, and how to proceed. I can't just kill him, and if he's as good of a wizard everyone thinks he is, maybe my status effects magics won't work. After breakfast, the leaving was a chaos so I politely declined going on the cars the ministry provided, and went to King's Cross by myself. I used one of the portals Juny teached me. Because the space magic it's a lot easier if you just use it to move on the same world.

I appeared through a portal on one of the empty rooms on King's Cross and made my way to the magical wall to wait for my friends. When only 20 minutes were left I spotted them entering King's Cross. So I entered through the wall first. A minute later, the first one to enter was Arthur with Harry, and while the rest begun to enter the wall, I begun to wander, looking for Luna. I was sure that she should be here already.

I couldn't find her before the train begun to move, and it looks like Harry almost misses the train.

Harry- I need to talk to you in private.

Ron- okay, go away, Ginny.

Ginny- oh, that's nice,

Rainy- Harry, I'll tell Ginny later so why don't you let her stay.

Harry- I... okay, if you say so... not that I can argue with you...

Rainy- hehe, good, you know.

I joined them looking for an empty compartment and we found one with a guy that looks like a professor.

Ron- who do you reckon he is?

Hermione- Professor R. J. Lupin

Ron- how do you know that?

Hermione- it's on his case...

They continued talking about that it's probably the new DADA professor. And the conversation changed to what Molly and Arthur were talking about. And the fact that Arthur told him not to chase after Black.

Hermione told him to not go going for trouble, Ron was saying why would someone be so nuts to go after someone that wants to kill you. And Ginny was just really worried about Harry. It was like voldemort himself was after Harry.

Rainy- oy! Stop with the dead omens! If none of the ministry finds Black... we will have to. And sincerely, I really want to meet him. He must know a lot of secrets of you-know-who. Maybe he will tell us how is it that the dark lord is inmortal, don't you think?

Hermione- you want to find him? For information? He's a killer, Rainy!

Rainy- he's just a baby compared to me. I've been planing how to get him without killing him because I can't use Thundaga! nor other lethal ways. And he's probably an amazing duelist, so this world magic won't work either.

Ron- you are nuts, did you know that?

Rainy- but that's one of my most charming points, Ron! Besides, I need to get this guy. Or he will get Harry. I'm just more interested on the questioning after we catch him, than on the catching itself.

Ginny- and if someone can catch Black, that's Rainy.

We continued the journey without not that many problems. Harry had a broken Sneakoscope, an artifact that makes a loud noise when someone close to you has ill intentions. And we talked about Hogsmeade and the fact that Harry couldn't get his permission form signed. At the end of the conversation the cat Hermione bought tried to kill Scabbers again. Sometime later the trolley witch appeared and we debated about waking Lupin or not, but the witch told us not to. He could go to the front of the train to buy later on. Later on, Malfoy passed through the hallway and looked into our compartment, but he just left after that. I kind of expected something different but whatever.

We continued sometime like this until we were arriving to Hogwarts. We still had some minutes left when the train stopped, abruptly. Then all the lights went out, so I used lumos with my wand.

Ron- what's going on?

Then Neville entered the compartment.

Neville- do any of you know what's happening?

Harry- no idea! Sit down.

Lupin- Quiet!

Then Lupin got up and I saw a shadow-like creature outside. The words of Ixat coming to my head almost instantly. '' you will have to face from time to time with some dark creatures that are as bad as the heartless. I don't know what they are, but the keyblade should work.''

Rainy- they had to appear now!

I got up in front of Lupin and transfigured my wand into a pistol.

Rainy- don't worry professor, only one dark creature won't get through me.

Ginny- is it like in the airship?

Rainy- no... this one is stronger, and I think they are native of this world, Ginny.

Then the door of the compartment opened, and it revealed a giant cloaked figure barely looked humanoid, with bone hands, and the cloak covering his face.

Rainy- eat magic, dark creature!

I pointed my gun to his face and two shoots were enough to make it retreat.

Rainy- and don't come back!

I turned to the group, and the one most surprised was Lupin itself.

Rainy- do you know what was that, Professor?

Lupin- are you telling me you faced it without knowing what it was?

Rainy- I knew that it was a creature made of darkness. But apart from that, not a thing

Lupin-... that was a Dementor, one of the Dementors of Azkaban. They feed on the happiness of the humans.

Rainy- wait... then that thing was searching for Sirius? On the Hogwarts train? On Harry's compartment? Are they dumb?

Lupin-... they move on instinct, you can say that it's almost impossible to control them. It seems that something attracted them here. Now, eat this. It will help, I need to go talk with the driver.

Then he gave us chocolate, and left.

Rainy- it will help with what?

Hermione- didn't you feel it Rainy? It was as if all the good feelings disappeared, I felt really cold...

Harry- yeah, and I almost passed out, not sure why.

Ron- it was like I would never be cheerful again...

Rainy- no... I just, well, I felt my anger rise a lot. Maybe that's how it affected me?

Ginny- it was horrible. I don't want to feel it more...

Rainy- well, if the Dementors are searching for Black, and he want's to kill Harry... I'm afraid that Hogwarts will be the home of the Dementors this year... (how is it that Master Koro knew about this?)

Hermione- yeah, but the thing that surprises me the most is, did you see how it seemed like normal to us Rainy making the Dementor retreat?

Ginny- yes! It was like the natural development. Like ''that's how it should go''

Rainy- aha! You are finally understanding my greatness!

Harry- we are finally understanding that you use cheats.

Ron- yeah, I can't think of a situation with wizards or creatures were she would be on a disadvantage

Hermione- you are making us get used to your weird way of looking at things!! apologize!

Rainy- but it's better this way, no?

Hermione- no, it isn't! we will end without sense of danger if this continues!

Rainy- okay... I'm sorry...

Hermione- good. Now I'll trust in you to make sure the Dementors don't get close to me!

Ginny- not fair! I want that too!

Rainy- (why do I feel that having power is not that fun...?)
