
Ch 4: Inside the Grimoire

~Inside the Grimoire - Ghoul Pov~

Where am I? Why can't I see anything? The last thing I remember was pouring my blood onto that book my mums kept calling a grimoire. Now I'm finding myself in a dark room.

???: "What is love? How does it feel like?"

???: "How come it then that this cold is so great. Is it not dissolved through my so hot desire, but harder grows the more I entreat? Or how comes it that my exceeding heat is not allayed by it heart-frozen cold, but that I burn much more in boiling sweat and feel my flames augmented manifold? What more miraculous thing may be told, that fire, which is congealed with senseless cold, should kindle fire by wonderful device? Such is the power of love in a gentle mind, that it can alter all the course of kind."

???: "I don't want to feel it anymore."

???: "There have been so many times I wanted to weep but instead beat my heart until it was unconscious."

???: "I shattered my own heart; now I limp through its shards barefoot."

What was that? It sounds familiar I think I heard it once before, it's like those poems my mum keeps residing but different.

???: "I no longer have feelings but I still remember them how do I forget about them."

This kept going with the poems becoming longer and more emotional. I can feel like the voices are telling a story and once a story is done a new one will start.

All the stories I'm hearing are unique in there own way but have one thing in common in the end, and that is they all chose to leave behind their humanity or at least a part of it.

Once the voices stopped the room started to change as all the darkness around me started to fade away to be replaced by a room filled by light.

???: "What is love? How does it feel like?"

???: "I found out it's like everything I've ever lost came back to me."

This times the poems are upbeat, and at the end of all of them, they had found happiness without losing anything.


Once again, the room change but this time grey but no poems came but a new voice can be heard.

???: "What is love? How does it feel like? Can you answer me?"

When it asked me the question I was somehow compelled to answer.

Ghoul: "Love is both beautiful and heartbreaking, it's unknown how you will experience it and it comes in many different forms but in the end, it will help shape you let it be good or bad it will always be a part of you."

After I answered the room became and the voice started up once more became dark.

???: "What is anger? How does it feel like?"

This time it's about anger. Just like it did with love it kept repeating itself until I had to answer a question, then it repeated the progress over and over again with different emotions or ideas to confront each time it had restarted.

I could feel each time I answered a question I was mentally changing until it stops at the last loop. After answering the last question the grey room became a temple with an altar in the middle of the room. On the altar, there are three objects, I know I can only choose one of the three and for some odd reason, I know what each item did. There is a black ritual blade called The Blade Of Abandoned, a crystal bottle filled with a glowing white liquid known as the Water Of Refreshment and an old type of grey color key known as the Key of the Path.

The Blade Of Abandoned can allow the user to cut off a part of them abandoning an emotion, memories, and/or everything that makes the user becoming something new.

The Water Of Refreshment works differently as it intensifies, strengthens and/or reinforce the user talent, emotions, body, will and/or everything about them.

The last thing is The Key of the Path and it opens a new path for those who don't want to abandon anything about themselves or just don't want to reinsure themselves but are looking for something new.

I don't want to abandon anything about me and I'm not going to enchant myself with something when I can grow without it so I only chose the last thing I can and that was the grey key. Once I picked it up I could see a locked door appear in front of me that looked like the cover of the grimoire. Putting the key in the door lock that should be where the grimoire lock locket should be located at I unlocked it to open the door letting out a myriad of color lights out of it blinding me as I walked into the door.

~Inside the Study - Ghoul Pov~

Once I walked into the open door I found myself inside the study while surrounded by my mums.

I looked around the room thinking something was off only to find in my hands the grimoire and that it went through some changes as the once white plain cover now has a picture of what it seems like a red color Grim Reaper casting a magic using a blue color magic circle and other than that there are black chains binding it with the ancient runes carved into them. It seems like the weird feeling I was getting was from the new connection I have with the grimoire, it seems like I really went through the binding my mum was talking about.

Bertha: "Congratulations Ghoul you have passed the test!"

After my mum congratulated me she and my other mums look at me up and down circling around me. It seems like they are looking if there was anything wrong with my body after the binding rural.

It kinda feels uncomfortable as I'm getting a headache looking at them circle around me in high speeds multiple times so I have to speak up before I vomited.

Ghoul: "Mums I'm fine can you stop circling me it's given me a headache."

Mums: "Sorry, our Ghost Prince."

Ghoul: "Huh, not that nickname can you stop calling me that, please."

Mums: "No!"

After that, they gave me another once over to see if I'm truly fine and once they finally confirmed I was truly fine they send me off to bed as it was late at night now and I need to sleep as I will be starting my new magic class tomorrow.

I'm bad with names what should be the grimoire name and extra point to anyone who can somehow incorporate ghost, souls, or hallow in the name.

WizPThiefcreators' thoughts