
Old friends and older partners

Bai Yun lay down on the bed and waited. But he quickly got bored. He couldn't cultivate here as it was a simulation. So after a while, Bai Yun fell asleep.

Suddenly Bai Yun's eyes flew wide open and he sat up. A moment later a twist appeared in the air a little distance from him. And then a young woman who seemed to be a couple of years younger than him appeared at that location.

The young woman looked at Bai Yun in surprise. While she was not too surprised that she was not the first person to reach the eighth floor, she was surprised to see Bai Yun lying down so casually.

"Hi senior. My name is Li Lan. What is your name?" She asked politely.

"Bai Yun." Bai Yun replied.

"Have you been here for long?" She asked.

Bai Yun thought for a moment. He seemed to have slept for a few hours. In fact, it seemed to have taken him less than ten minutes to reach here. But there was no need to elaborate. "Not long." He said.
