
Team Rocket? A Bunch Of Complete Tools

Vex Masters slowly opened his eyes, gazing up at the unfamiliar ceiling that constantly shown down bright lights that blinded him. He wasn't sure where he was or how he had gotten here, but he did remember what had happened, the image of all those birds engraved deep into his memory. If it wasnt for that girl having a bike, his and Pikachu's survival wouldve dropped to almost nothing leaving them either broken and unable to move or straight up pecked to death. It was too painful to imagine the outcome of the incident if the bike hadnt been there so he decided to simply steer his thoughts away from it and instead focus on where he had ended up.

Vex pushed himself into a sitting position, removing the blanket that had been placed over him. His clothes weren't as wet as he had remembered and his shoes, socks, beanie, and backpack were all missing giving him the impression that he had probably been mugged before someone decided to help him. Vex rubbed his eyes and shifted his gaze over the room and was surprised to find it empty except for a lady with pink hair standing behind the desk and a young girl who was holding one of those purple rats Vex had seen near Pallet Town.

The room was simple enough to understand. Just an almost empty room with what looked like a waiting room in one corner with tables and cushioned seats, and three of those computers that Professor Oak had lined up on the far wall. A good portion of the room, not exactly half, was closed off by a semi-circle that was probably meant for employees only, keeping everyone else out. This was where the woman with pink hair sat, wearing a rather short pink dress with a white apron over it. She had blue eyes and bright bubblegum pink hair that was pulled back into two loops giving her a rather unique appearance. It was this lady that immediately noticed when Vex woke up and excused herself from speaking to the girl, rushing over to stand in front of him.

"Good Morning sir, are you feeling alright?" She bent down somewhat to get a better look at him, Vex's fluffy white hair blocking his eyes from her own. "Someone found both you unconscious after the storm with scrapes, scratches, and bruises covering your body."

Vex didn't know if it was even allowed but she took a seat next to him and pressed the back of her hand against his forehead, checking for a fever. "You really ought to be more careful, especially when you have a Pokemon with you such as that Pikachu we have resting up in the other room."

Vex let out a small sigh of relief as he had actually been a bit worried about Pikachu, though not much. It seemed that most people in this world genuinely cared about other living creatures rather then the ones back in his own world that abused other creaturres because they thought it was funny. He had been certain that Pikachu was going to be treated well the moment both it and its owner were found unconscious.

"Well, I have to get back to work so please feel free to stay here until your fully rested up. Ill bring your Pikachu to you right away." The woman stood up and was about to walk away when Vex called out to her.

"Hey, whats your name gorgeous?" Vex had meant it merely as a joke, but it seemed that she actually thought he was flirting with her as a slow blush spread across her cheeks. She stammered for a second which made Vex smile, and this simple action of flashing his teeth seemed to make her even more nervous as she managed to tell him her name.

"N-nurse Joy, n-n-now if you'll excuse me Ill be heading off to pick up your Pikachu." She turned away and walked through the sliding doors with a plus sign on it.

"What a cute nurse, unfortunate that I wont be staying very long here." Vex leaned back against his seat and was about to just relax for a bit when a very irritating yet familiar voice rang out through the room. "THERE YOU ARE, I FOUND YOU!!"

Vex sat back up and glanced to his left, a head full of orange hair and viridian colored eyes came marching towards him, and though it was supposed to be a serious visit he couldnt help but smile at what she was dragging behind her. He knew it was his own fault, no denying that, but he couldn't help but to stifle a laugh at the mangled remains of her once shiny red bike. The handlebars were bent, the basket was crushed, the chain snapped in two, and the tires were all but tattered pieces of rubber. It was actually hard to say what did that, his intense riding or the fall when he hit the tree trunk and went flying forward.

"Oh hey crop top," Vex said as she stepped up to him, a look of unfiltered rage clear as day upon her face. "Thanks for the bike loan, I appreciate it. Ill pay you back so dont worry." Vex stood up and stretched his legs out, feeling a bit stiff after laying down for so long.

"My name is Misty, not crop top!" The girls exclaimed as she threw the bike down onto the floor. "And you bet your ass that your gonna pay for it, I'm not leaving until you do." She crossed her arms and gave him a sharp glare.

'If looks could kill then Id be five feet under right now.' Vex thought as he slowly grinned and took a step forward, bringing her face inches from his own. "Well maybe I WANT to have a girl as gorgeous as you following me around." He laughed and backed away, turning around and heading towards the door with the plus sign on it.

Misty blushed a deep shade of red, losing some of her rage. "Well, sorry to disappoint you but I like men not some child and thief who steals other people's bikes." She was clearly lying as she was talking a bit too loud and acting a bit too defensive but Vex decided to let it go, at least after he let her know a couple of things.

"To be honest actually, I prefer women who have a bit more upstairs then you currently do." Vex turned around and pointed to her modest breasts that were clearly still developing and Misty hurriedly covered them up with her arm, her blush deepening. "I usually look past breast size though depending on if the woman is hot and if she has a good personality. However since you only possess one of these things you really aren't qualified to fulfill any of my other requirements."

Misty was just about to shout out a response of her own when the doors with the cross on it slid open, revealing not only Nurse Joy but a fully recovered Pikachu as well. Vex turned around as his Pikachu ran towards him at full speed and jumped into his arms. "Pika pika," Pikachu said as he rubbed his head against Vex's neck, but what he heard in his head was something entirely different. "I'm glad your okay."

This time, Vex knew that he wasnt dreaming and even looked around but didn't see anyone except Misty, Nurse Joy, and Pikachu. He pondered it over in his head for bit before a sound broke through his train of thought. Up on the ceiling hanging by an iron rod were three speakers decorated like pokeballs. It appeared as if an announcement had just been issued about some aircraft of pokemon thieves above Viridian City, but Vex didnt really care as the only pokemon he currently had was Pikachu and there was no way they were gonna be stealing his pokemon companion. Then the sound of crashing came from above them and the part of the ceiling that had been made of glass shattered as two pokeballs dropped down and landed with a huge smack.

There were two small flashes of light that disappeared quickly and were replaced with two different creatures that Vex assumed to be pokemon, however he didnt waste time observing them as he simply pointedhis finger at them. "Pikachu, shock them both, Max power."

There was a moments pause, then everything in front of him turned yellow as the two pokemon were surrounded by pure electricity. He let this continue for a couple of seconds before he told Pikachu to stop. The two pokemon collapsed onto the ground in a heap and didnt get back up again. Vex sighed in disappointement as he had hoped they would've been stronger then that. He walked up to the two pokeballs and lifted them up.

"Hey you brat, dont touch those," Came a vouce followed by the sound of crashing. Two figures dropped all the way down from the roof and landed in front of him seemingly without even so much as a scrape. "They dont belong to you."

At just a single glance Vex knew these guys were nothing but idiots and complete tools. There was a male and female, both wearing similar outfits with the letter R printed onto the front of it. The female had red hair that was gelled in some weird fashion that Vex could roast for days. She wore a black crop top underneath her cropped shirt with an R on it along with a skirt that went to mid thigh. The male had longish blue hair and a pretty face, one that basically screamed out that he was a queer and he was proud. He wore a black shirt underneath a white shirt with the letter R on it and simple white pants. They had a pokemon that had landed with them too but Vex didnt care about it too much as he had already written them off as complete morons.

"Pikachu, shock them too and hold nothing back. Give them a good thirty seconds to teach them that they need to watch wgat they say to me." Vex lifted his finger and pointed at the three of them together.

"To protect the world from devastation," The redhead woman began, clearly beginning some sort of prearranged chant. "To Unite all people's within out nation." The gay man continued.

They no doubt would've continued except for the yellow lightning that surrounded them as the room filled with the sounds of crackling electricity. After Vex counted to thirty in his head, he had Pikachu cut off his lightning before walking over to them and kneeling next to them. "You guys are idiots," Vex muttered as he prodded the blue haired guys head with a finger. "Next time try and steal things with a bit of secrecy instead of having yourself broadcast to almost everyone in Viridian city. You make it so obvious your thieves."

He stood up and gestured for Pikachu to come over to him. The small mouse-like creature scurried over to him and ran up to his shoulder, clearly expecting a reward. Vex laughed and gave Pikachu a pet on the head. "You did a good job taking out the trash buddy."

It was then that he remembered both Joy and Misty and looked around for them, finally spotting them peeking out from the side of the door leading to the back. They didnt seem scared but they did seem a bit surprised.

Vex looked down at his feet and wiggled his toes before running his hand through his fluffy white hair. He was actually feeling horrible, the scratches and bites from yesterday were stinging like crazy, but he was glad to be alive. "By the way Nurse Joy...do you have my socks?"

Okay, so this is where cannon dies out.....mostly

My question is this......should I bring in my own character or do you guys want another waifu. Don't be shy about who you want either as I can revolve my plan around whoever you choose.

My question is......OC waifu or a one that already exists?

You got until the next chapter to answer

KingOfGamescreators' thoughts