
Multiple personality disorder

Andy couldn't digest it, He bowed and went towards the exit in a daze. Before he could leave, Sky voice resounded. "Send me that actress personal number now."

"Sure Ms.Sky. Right away." Andy went out and sent Kira's number to Sky.

Sky received the notification on her mobile and called the number which Andy sent. Call answered after a few rings.

"Hello, Who is this?" Kira's voice sounded.

"Is this the most popular actress of Star entertainment?" Sky dragged each word.

"You... How you got my number? Why are you calling me?" Kira identified Sky's voice immediately.

"I left you with little dignity on the shoot. But you really took my words seriously and started playing a game." Sky said as she twirled a pen.

"You little girl, You think you can win me? One drop of tear from my eyes will ruin your brother. Do you want to try?" Kira sounded wicked.

"Why not? Let's try it. But I pity that you won't get a chance to execute your plan." Sky said confidently and infuriated Kira.

"You little girl, You just talk. Watch the news in an hour to see how I will ruin your brother's reputation." Kira scoffed and hung up the call.

Sky smiled looking at her phone. Then she scrolled his contact list, selected a contact to call but stopped when she heard a knock on the door.

"Enter" Sky expected Andy must have finished the task and coming to report.

But a slender figure entered the office. Sky furrowed her brows and looked at him. He strode in front of her and sat opposite to her.

More than a minute passed but he didn't speak. Sky kept her mobile aside and went back to work without caring about him.

"Aren't you going to call your novice techie?" Sam finally broke the silence.

Sky's mouth twitched and peered at him. 'This guy can't live without showing off his skills.'

"I know what you are planning to do that woman. I thought I could help you better than your novice." He leaned back on the chair and played with his tab.

"Why would you do that? I don't like to owe you anything." Sky hated to talk with him as she couldn't speak nonchalantly and should think a lot before saying anything.

"If your novice creates a problem, isn't it will be on you? so this is also a way of protecting." He crossed his arms and watched Sky.

"Where is Peter?" Sky asked as she glared at him.

"Are you thinking I talk too much if Peter does not present and I will be sardonic if he is present?"

Sky saw his smug look and rolled her eyes. "No, I want to ask him whether you have multiple personality disorder."

Sam who was spinning the tab paused, tab fell on the floor. Sky watched him clenching his teeth and growling at her and she giggled first-time in front of him.

Sam's lips curled up when he saw Sky chuckling and leaving her aloof expression. When She noticed him smiling, she put on a serious expression, "Since this is out of your job scope, what do you want in return?"
