
7• The Inescapable Fate

"Master! Let me do that task!"

She slams both of her hands on the floor insisting those words. Hanabi is inside one of the higher masters room begging for the task she wants.

The female ninja master sitting in front of her while her arm crossed under her chest staring at Hanabi seriously. Hanabi locked her eyes to the master with the begging expression.

That moment made a few seconds of silence in between them...

"Do you think this task is so easy to undergo?" Suddenly, the master breaks the silence and ask "This is the most difficult task" She added

"I know it is difficult and no one knows where to start, but, I really want to do it" Hanabi said with eagerness. She actually begs for their permission because her real intention is to show that she can do better. The task reward is remarkable. It will also give honor to the right one to be entitled as the Scarlet Shadow grandmaster.

The master then closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, thinking that this lady ninja in front of her will not change her plans. After that, She opens her eyes again and looks at her. She sees Hanabi is still staring at her with the same begging expression and position.

"Hayabusa was chosen to undergo the task" Suddenly, the master said "it is because he is the anointed rightful Shadow of the Shadow faction" She added. "Both the Scarlet and Shadow Clan witnessed him over the years being the greatest ninja of the Shadow" She explained "He proved his capabilities to be a rightful Shadow that can handle this kind of mission" Hanabi turns her eyes to the floor and slightly turn her head down. Her both hands are staggering while closing her fist silently. She is being challenged out of those words praising Hayabusa in front of her and hearing that from the mouth of her highly respected master. "...you know what is the deal for handling the title?" Suddenly the master asks her. Hanabi looks at the master and she calms herself by sitting back normally to face her. "You are responsible to undergo the most dangerous tasks for the benefit of all in the Scarlet Shadow" She answers " each difficult task sometimes will cost your life, that is why we never give difficult tasks easily" She continues "...Hayabusa accepted the title so he also agreed about the attached responsibilities in that" The lady master elaborated it clearly.

"Do you think I cannot handle those?" Hanabi asks with curiosity. The master slightly smiles at her.

"Hanabi, you're the best ninja in Scarlet, second to Hayabusa of the Shadow"

"Second?" She repeats the word on her mind showing a surprise face of disagreement.

"...as our rightful Scarlet, I know you can, but, we have to discuss this first"

"Why?" Hanabi couldn't agree. She feels the master is doubting her skills

"I am not in charge to give difficult tasks" the lady master answers " The permission will come to the elder of the Scarlet Sect"

Hanabi then stands up. The Lady master just looks up to her then.

"If that so, you're still doubting me then" Hanabi assumes

"Huh?" The lady master just stares at Hanabi, she sees the determination yet disappointment in her face.

"Please excuse me, master" Suddenly, Hanabi bows to her "thank you for the time" She said. And then after, she stands straight and turns her back to leave the room. The master just looks at her leaving.

Hanabi slides the door and she is surprised as she opens and one of the elders is there behind unexpectedly.

"Hanabi" The elder call her

"Sorry master" She bows again slightly because that was unexpected. After then, takes the lead to quickly step out because she is not feeling well after that unlikable confrontation and exit to the door before the elder comes in. The elder just follows a look to her before he turns his head to the door and enters the room.

Inside, the lady master looking like she is on her deep thinking, she doesn't even notice the elder comes in walking towards her.

"why you don't let her?" suddenly the elder said. The lady master then notices that the elder is here. She quickly turns her eyes where the voice came from.

"Ah, master" Her surprised reaction.

"I heard Hanabi begging for that mission" The elder said.

"Yes, master" she confirms

"...then, let her" The elder said. The lady master looks at the elder, questioning why.

"So do you want her to send out?" She asks.

"Why not?" the elder simply answers it with confidence. The lady master started to show a worried face.

"...but, this is a difficult mission"

"I know" The elder said and then stares at the Lady master "I see you're worried, but, she wants it, why not let her then" The lady master stands up to level herself to the elder but she is a bit tall.

"We should discuss this properly, master" She said after standing up.

"Of course and we also have to give her the title of the Scarlet proving that she is our strongest ninja" The elder agreed. The lady ninja turns her back and walks near the window.

A sudden silence while staring outside...

"She cannot even defeat the Shadow Sect ninja, how can we able to give that?" The lady master said "I feel that Hanabi is reckless" She continues "She is strong, well-skilled ninja, but, sometimes I feel like she is doing it for personal remarks" She explains.

"What is new about those ninjas" The elder said "They come once in many generations but the personality is still the same." The elder continues. "Many years ago, the same ninja with exceptional ability, remarkable well-skilled ninja and yet, he also used that skill into betraying his own clan" The elder said.

The lady ninja narrowed her eyes while looking outside. Suddenly she sighs.

"I hope...she is different" later, the lady said.




While in the Shadow faction area...

Hayabusa exits taking the outside stone-made stairs of the temple when he sees trainer walking across. They both look at each other.

"oh, Hayabusa" The young trainer seems a few years older calls him. Hayabusa suddenly stops and only one step of the stair to the ground. The trainer put both of his hands on his waist. "So late in the afternoon and I still have to teach these kids" The trainer said.

"kids?" Haya wonders and suddenly five kids running and approaching them. The trainer looks at them. They are consist of two girls and three boys around eight to ten years old running and passes by them. The trainer just follows a look to them from left then turns to his right.

"Hey wait for me there ok?" The young trainer shouts.

"Yeah" The fives kids shout as they continue running away.

"I have to go I must follow them" Suddenly the young trainer said. And he takes steps to slightly run to follow the kids. Hayabusa left while looking at their direction. He sees the trainer already reached the kids and they all continue walking. The trainer put his both hand to each of the kid's shoulders on his both side.

"They must be going to that training area for kids" his serious tone while looking at them until a sudden flashback, he remembers his early years...


One morning inside their training room...

From the window, the four higher masters are observing the newly passed ninja students doing hand-to-hand combat while all the trainers are watching in the corner inside the training room. They are five paired in the battle to see their combat skills. After a few minutes...

"ahhh" one boy shouts crying. The trainers look at him and see that he is being turned down by his opponent in combat. The boy holds his left arm, but the body seems like it hurts so much.

"I am sorry!" The young boy apologized. The trainer rushes as he comes to check the boy.

"My hand...my body" the young boy said and sounds in pain. All of the other kids look at them. And the young boy who did it feels so ashamed as if he hurt him so much appearing the bad boy in the room. "It hurts master!" the boy protest "I...I can't move!" The injured boy said. The trainer then looks at him while he stares back too with a worried face. He feels that the trainer is angry with him.

From the window, the masters have also witnessed the incident.

The young boy can't resist what is happening, he sees the injured boy is also carried out to treat his injuries. He is about to walk and exit the room when...

"Hayabusa" suddenly someone calls him. He looks up to see one of the master approaches. "can you come with me?" The master asks. The young boy was named Hayabusa...




Inside the elder's room

Three of them bends their knees while sitting on the wooden floor inside a wide room. The young Hayabusa looks at them with a worried face. While the elder and the high-ranked master stares at him.

"Master, It was unintentional!" Hayabusa protests as he assumes he is being confronted for that accident this morning.

"Calm yourself, Hayabusa, you're not here for that" The elder said in a calm tone. Hayabusa then calms himself for a few minutes. The elder keeps staring at him seriously and then suddenly, turns his attention to the young master "he really reminds me of our rightful ninja in his younger years" Suddenly the elder said. The master and Hayabusa both reacted to that. And then after, the young master slightly smile

"The young but potential leader that will inherit the title of the Shadow someday" The master explains "All the elders predict that" he added.

"Title of the Shadow?" Hayabusa asks with curiosity.

"Yes" The elder answers. "His exceptional skill made him deserves that" He said while looking at the young Hayabusa

"Yes, too much that I or even all the higher masters ahead cannot even defeat him for a single battle in the training ground" The master said

"really" Hayabusa said while his eyes are full of admiration to that ninja he never sees yet.

"I also see that kind of skill on you, Hayabusa" Suddenly the elder added. "I hope to also see you as a deserving ninja someday" The elder explains. Hayabusa made a surprise reaction and excitement as he also wants to become the strongest ninja of the Shadow Sect someday.

"We rarely see the potential kid every ten years, and now we only found one...and it was you" The master explains.

"We want you to undergo intense training and teach you some secret techniques" The elder said. Hayabusa is surprised that he is able to know more about the secret techniques of the Shadow Sect.

"We only teach that to chosen ninja and sometimes only once in every ten years" The elder said "I hope to see a good result from you, Hayabusa" the elder added.

"yes, master!" Full of determination and promises...Hayabusa answers.

After that secret confrontation and agreement, many days and days of seriously taking the training.

The young Hayabusa is always active in battle training. In the same room doing hand-to-hand combat with his peers at day and secret training at night and unbelievably won every battle.

Time flies...

After many years, the young Hayabusa reaches the age of a young man.

Growing up, teaching him secretly all the techniques of the Shadow. They see how long he can stand each training and how fast he can learn the most difficult method of the Shadow ninja arts. As predicted, the young man became the strongest ninja. He even defeated each opponent every training in the battleground while all the higher ranking masters are watching and witnessed him being an exceptional young ninja. The news spread out all over the shadow sect confirming him as undefeatable in Shadow Sect for ten consecutive battle training against his peers.





One time outside the temple...

After a friendly battle, he won the combat.

"Hayabusa!..." The young man protests after taking down by Hayabusa "You really made my body hurt over the years" He added. It was the same boy he turned down years ago and cried in pain.

"Sorry" He apologizes then they both look to the direction when they see all the higher ranking ninjas are gathered and exited the large door of a temple. They are all walking heading to somewhere they don't know.

"Oh...the Shadow's most elite ninjas" Suddenly his friend says while they both stare at them "Let's come closer" The young man run and Hayabusa just follow him.

The elder and masters see them as they approach

"are you not in training right now?" suddenly a young master asked them and stops for a while.

"we are done for today master" The young man answer.

"...well...good then" The master smile.

Suddenly, Hayabusa turns his eyes for the approaching man with half covered face, walking. He keeps staring at him until the man walks passes in front of him and suddenly, this man stares back at him. It looks way older than Hayabusa, but still the youngest ninja in the group when lined up to the masters. Hayabusa feels his strong personality like the time suddenly slows down while this man walks in front of him and both their eyes crossed. For a few seconds, the man turns his eyes ahead after passing in front of him but Hayabusa still locked his eyes staring at him.

"He was declared now as the new and youngest leader of the Shadow Faction and is also inherited the title of the Shadow" The Master explains. Hayabusa heard what the master said and quickly widens his eyes.

"So that was him!" Hayabusa says in his mind and keeps staring at the back of a man walking with the elders and other masters. He finally saw the potential and strongest ninja of the Shadow Faction after many years.

"It was funny that he is a few years younger to me and only a bit older to you" The elder said addressing the two of them. "Anyway, I have to go as we have to formally pass to Hanzo the control of the things tonight" and the master slightly run away from them to follow the group.

"Hanzo..." Hayabusa thinks while saying his name in his mind.




Many days have passed after the declaration of the new leader of the Shadow faction...




Until one night...

All are in panicked, everybody is rushing. The young man Hayabusa heard all the noises in the middle of the night. It disturbs his sleep so it wakes him up. Then after, he sees a lot of silhouette running and passing by through his room's sliding door. Curious, he then stands up to check what is happening. He slides the door and sees all of the ninjas rushing towards the place he doesn't know. They are all in panic so they ignore him. He quickly runs towards the side approaching the side wall. He is standing on the side of a wall while watching them run one by one. He sees one ninja approaching the higher rank masters that are also about to go.

"Master, all the elders, and the other masters are killed" He said. Hayabusa was shocked to hear that

"Hurry up! we have to save the remaining ninjas there" The master commands.

"yes master" and they both quickly rushes away. Hayabusa was left with questions. He just keeps staring at ninjas appearing one by one and running forward.

That night ends without any idea in Hayabusa's mind leaving him with questions the whole night.




One morning full of sorrow to all the Shadow ninjas...

After that night, the next day becomes a little different.

All the remaining higher rank masters gathered including the elders inside a room. They are all facing one ninja in front of them, Hayabusa. Being the youngest in the group, they also include him in that important meeting.

"This is unexpected!" Suddenly the elder said "I can't believe that Hanzo will betray us after many years" He added.

Hayabusa is shocked to hear that the incident last night was because of their leader.

"All our elite ninjas perished in his own hand" One of the masters said in a sad tone and then closes his eyes " A truly skilled ninja" he added.

"It was too late before we notice that he was emboldened by a demon" Another master said while young man Hayabusa has no idea and he is just listening.

"A demon?" Suddenly Hayabusa whispers. After that, he turns his eyes to each master in front of him "Masters" He calls "What is happening?" He looks at everyone scanning each of them one by one "Where are the others?" A few questions he asks noticing that only a few rank masters are here.

"Hayabusa" Suddenly one elder said "Our Shadow leader, betray us" He added " He killed some of our elite ninjas, masters, and elders of both the Crimson and Shadow Clans including your current master that teaching you right now" A sad expression to one of the master clearing that out to him.

"Huh?" Haya was shocked to know the truth. It was a complete big tragedy in history for their clans. "so that was last night..." he confirms making a sad face.

"Only we are left to continue the Shadow Sect and remain its quality for the next generations" The master explains "we include you here because its been years since you started the secret training" He addresses Haya.

"We want you to continue your training under the supervision of all the remaining masters here" The elder said. Hayabusa just keeps listening to them "You have a potential to be the rightful ninja of this faction" The elder added then Hayabusa widens his eyes "We don't want to set it aside as we know you're a potential ninja that can be a rightful Shadow someday" The elder continues. Hayabusa is surprised hearing that the Shadow masters already set his life.

"You have exceptional skill at a young age until now" Suddenly, one master intrude "just like what we saw on Hanzo before" The master added. The young man Hayabusa at the age of fifteen, can't believe the high expectation putting now on him. He closes his fist as he feels anger against the leader of the Shadow...now called the former leader of the Shadow.

He then turns his head down.

"We will start again and we will set some new rules" Suddenly the elder in the center of the group said. All the people inside the room including Hayabusa reacted to that. "Along with other elders of the Crimson Sect, we made a new agreement" The elder continues "For every ten years, dueling the two strongest ninjas of both Sect to win the title of Supreme Grandmaster, will be changed" the elder looks at the fellow elder and then looks at everyone. "We decided that every ten years, one rightful ninja will inherit the title of the certain faction and will be responsible for all the dangerous missions" He cleared out.

"We also include in this mission is to find that traitor" The other elder added. "If the chosen ninja finds and defeats that traitor, will inherit the Scarlet Shadow Supreme Grandmaster title" the elder explains. Hayabusa is seriously listening to all the new pieces of information in his clan while his head down and his eyes are staring at the floor.

"Scarlet?" Suddenly one master notices the new name.

"Yes," the elder answer "They do not want to remember this tragedy again so they want to cut the connection of dark beliefs from early ninjas of the Crimson Shadow"

"huh" all reacted to the big changes from the Crimson Sect now know as the Scarlet Sect.

Suddenly, the elder turns his eyes to Hayabusa. "Can we expect you someday, Hayabusa?" Suddenly the elder calls him. Hayabusa heard that and quickly turns his head up to look at the elder. The elders and master are all looking at him as if they already set his life. They are all expecting a lot from him.

"yes...masters" Suddenly, he answers seriously. "I also want to bring the life back to our clan" He added " The peaceful and happy life he stole from us" his voice was full of determination as he also wants to avenge all the fallen ninjas of his clan.

"When the right time comes, I hope that we will pass the title to you and undergo this mission on behalf of us" The elder honestly made the mission for him. "I expect you still to be the strongest ninja someday, Hayabusa" The elder said with a tone of expecting a lot from him.

He then turns his head down again, facing the floor seriously and said..." yes master...I will" He promises with firm decision and determination in his voice.

After that crucial meeting and after that revealing truth, Hayabusa finally finds out his future ahead is already written. The Shadow Sect has already made his own fate

As time passes by...

Practicing over the years, he has finally learned all the techniques and he can perform it perfectly. He also finally reached the age of a full-grown man.

The same spot at the stairs, he takes one step then stops. He looks up and slightly see the temple where all the important changes were discussed there many years ago.

The wind blows and the dried leaves of the autumn season, fall. He then turns his head to look in front of him and see many dried leaves falling...

...As the leaves continue falling, it turns into sakura petals going back to the present time.

Hayabusa still standing on the same spot after looking at those kids heading towards their training. Realizing how time flies and it was a long flashback for his early years...

The time finally comes. He now inherited the title of the Shadow. He is now responsible for all the difficult missions and one of his mission is finding that traitor. Hayabusa doesn't seem to disagree with the Shadow's given fate in him as if he has no choice. For his high respect and kindness for his faction, His aim is to regain the Shadow's lost pride. Over the years, witnessing the abilities of other ninjas, he believes he is the only one capable to do it. He assumes all the masters see that in him, that is why he already accepted his fate.

He narrowed his eyes while looking at the falling sakura petals around. He feels the ambiance, hoping that this is not the last time he will see this kind of scenery.

I actually struggle to execute the back story. I want an impact revealing the closes relation of Hanzo to the Shadow Sect and the nearing encounter with Hayabusa in the early years. Also, the big changes that happened after the tragedy including the name change of a certain faction. I just keep on reading their real back story often just to make my version a bit relatable to it including the titles.

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