
Vincent Kim

Vincent's POV

"Vincent Kim!" Shouted one of our teachers after she caught me sleeping in the middle of the class. Shit! "How many times do I have to tell you not to sleep in my class."

"If you wan't to sleep then get out!"

"Have mercy ma'am." I begged and faked a few tears of sadness until she noticed it.

"Mr. Kim, are you faking tears to try to get my sympathy? Get out!" She exclaimed as she grab my ear and give it a twist.

"No ma'am, please, have mer-A-Ouch!"

"You'll have your mercy in the guidance office."

"No thanks ma'am. I will just go out." I stood up and went outside class. I don't mind being scolded by people I don't care about. I don't mind getting low grades. I'm okay with whatever as long as I'm happy with my life.

"I'm very sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I was walking up the hallway from my classroom to skip school when I saw Yoongi, the leader of the gang whom I had conflict before, arguing with a random girl in school. I tried to ignore them but it didn't work. Yoongi was with his gang members and they are threatening the girl.

"Get off her." I chided.

"The hell I will."

"Yes you will."

"Who are you to order me around?" He asked.

"Me? I am the King of this school and anyone who defy my orders will suffer. Now let go of her."

"King? You? I am the Ki-" I punched him in the face before he could even finish his sentece. I warned him. Anyone who defy my orders will suffer.

"You son of a b*tch!" He and his members tried to attack me but it was no used. They only tired themselves out. I was about to unleash my fist and give him a final blow but then the girl blocked the way and accidentaly got hit.

"Nice try, b*tch!" Yoongi said then smirked evilly. He and his gang tried to runaway but then the dean came.

"All of you, to my office." The dean said with his arms crossed and of a sudden his voice changed. "Now!"

I was not surprised to see an anger look from the dean. I've been in his office a lot of times because of school rules violation.

"Who started the fight?" He asked but no one answered. "You all have the guts to fight but doesn't have the guts to answer me." His voice has gone scolding. I hate when someone scolds. They always keep saying the same things over and over.

"If no one tells me then, I'm afraid I'm going to have to let your parents know about what happened earlier, except for you Mr. Kim. I'm sorry but I have no choice but to expell you. You violated the school rules for the 12th time." He said but I did not react angrily upon what I heard. I knew he was gonna expell me one day. Besides, I was planning to quit school anyway.

"But Mr. Park?" The girl was about to explain, in hope that the dean will change his mind but I stopped her. There is no point in explaining. He will not believe in her no matter what explanation she could come up.

"Don't try to help me. I never get in trouble that I can't get out of. So just go, cause everything is under my control." The girl just simply nodded and went outside the office together with Yoongi and his gang of outlaws.

That moron. I whispher to my self. He always get away easily in spite all the things he has been doing.

The dean now handed me my clearance. He said it's the only way I can get my documents out of this fvcking school.

"I gave you chance after chance every time you get in trouble, not because my wife told me to do so but because I believe that a person can change his or her life based on the decision they make. But you always failed to chan-" Jimin's words were suddenly interrupted after his wife, Mrs. Park came in.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you." She bowed and went to his husband.

"It's not a problem."

"I heard what happened earlier."

"If you're going to convince me again not to expel him, I'm sorry but I already made up my mind." He said directly to his wife.

People often mistook me as bad person. They always avoid me and I avoid them as well because I am afraid I will cause problems for them. Mrs. Park is different. She have always been so good to me.

"Please don't expel him." Still Mrs. Parked begged his husband. "I'm certein, if you forgive him he'll do better." Jimin remain silent for a few moments then he said,

"I'll think about it."
