

Time has passed...The second war of Planes has ended. Moniyan troops and their allies were preparing for their journey back home.

Zilong is excited to see Chang'e after a long time, with several years of fighting, who would not miss their loved once.

On his way back to the Sanctuary he saw The Great Dragon sitting on the front door looking worried.

He didn't know what would happen to Chang'e after he commanded her to go followed Zilong. "Father, I have arrived," said Zilong in a happy tone, "the war of the Planes has ended, and I am now sent home by our Generals. Where's Chang'e?" continued Zilong.

"What?!, I did not know that the war has already ended, about Chang'e?" The Great Dragon gulped.

"I sent out Chang'e to find you, I gave her the Crescent Moon to protect herself through the journey. Although she needs to be careful, she might be caught by the people from the Dark Abyss."

"What? What will happen to her if the people from the Dark Abyss takes her?" Zilong asked uncomfortably.

"Let's hope that won't happen, You should go find her and come back home together," The Great Dragon said, "take this, its a key to the Eruditio City of Scholars, so they'll know I sent you to find Chang'e." he continued.

"Yes father, I'll do my best to find her."
