
Hold Me Tight | Min Yoongi (Completed)

完結 · 200.8K ビュー
  • 21 章
  • 4.4
    23 レビュー結果
  • N/A

Summary : You were looking the night sky in your balcony when a mysterious man fell from above & suddenly kissed you. He then pulled away from the kiss and smirked.Before you could say anything he put a cloth over your mouth and everything turned black. Later on you learn he is AgustD,a mafia leader who was known for his cold attitude and killing skills.There was not a single person who managed to make it out alive after being targeted. Well expect one person. The title has a hidden meaning so dont be fooled by it.

Chapter 101

You walked to the balcony and closed your eyes.You took a small breath before opening your eyes and looked at the night sky that was filled with stars.

What am I supposed to do now?How will I get a new job?No one will accept a clumsy girl like me you thought.

You had no one to ask for help.Your parents died after that accident 6 years ago and no one else wanted to take you in their home because they believed you were the one who killed them for their money.

Of course and that assumption was not true,because you didn't care about the money they had.Their love was enough for you and you were Happy with just that.

You exhaled a deep breath and looked down."I wish someone came here right now and get me out from this hell called life."You murmured to yourself,you heard some noises above you.

"Hello is anyone there?" You looked up but no one was there.

Was It only my imagination?Sigh...I watch to many kdramas.You said to yourself and turned back to walk away from the balcony when you heard a noise from behind you.

You turned around to see who it was you when you suddenly felt a pair of lips on top of yours.Your eyes widened at the sudden kiss and moved your hand to push him away but it didn't work.

He grabbed your hands and put them behind your back while his left arm wrapped around your waist so you couldn't move away from his grasp.

After realising you had no other choice but wait for him to pull away,you gave up resisting.

One thing you noticed was that the kiss was gentle.He wasn't forcing himself onto you by trying to put his tongue inside your mouth,which you appreciate considering the situation you were in.He just had his lips placed on yours,that was all.

After a couple of seconds he pulled away and looked around.You stood there trying to understand what was going on cause you were confused.

Is he being chased?You wondered as you watched him checking around.

"Okay,all good." The male suddenly spoke and you looked at him.He sighed in relief and shifted his view to you.

"Why did you kiss him out of the blue?"You asked him and he scoffed at your question.

" I don't have time for this,Thanks for the kiss kitty!"He flew you a kiss and went to Jump from the balcony.


"You don't want who you are messing with." The male said and send you a death glare.

"I don't care who the hell you are you can't just come kiss me and then leave without telling me the reason!"

"I wouldn't do this if I were you." The male warned you but you didn't listen.You were so confused and mad at him,that nothing was Stopping you from taking an answer from him.

"Or else what?You are going to kidn-"You couldn't even finish your sentence when he pushed your hand away.

With quick movements he turned you around and put a cloth all over your mouth.You tried to resist but he was too strong,the last thing you saw was him smirking before everything turned black.


"I warned you."


BTS In 5000 Years

We crouch into a fighting stance. Jimin's gaze is steady and staring into mine, and I try my best not to avert my eyes. "START!" Jimin lunges towards me with incredible speed, and I barely side step him. I throw my legs into the air, kicking the backs his knees with both of my pointed feet, and touch the ground with my fingertips to regain balance. He barely stumbles before dropping to the ground and spinning his legs at me. He catches my ankle and I fall hard on my back. He rolls on top of me and gives me a devilish grin inches away from me. Everything else is dark, but with him so close I can clearly see his face, his full lips, straight nose, dark marble eyes and straight dark eyebrows. His warm refreshing scent wafts up my nostrils, like calming scented candles that makes me want to breathe it forever. My eyes widen as he leans even closer to me, his hair falling slightly over his face. "Too easy, huh?" His eyes dance with amusement. I scowl, even though every inch of my skin is prickling with fire and excitement. I hook my leg on his torso and force him to fall back, and I take this small opportunity to flip him onto his back over my shoulder. But I barely manage to do it, even with momentum because dang he's heavy. I stand over him and he lies on the ground, still smirking up at me. What the heck!? I jump onto him and swing him over so he lies on his stomach, and I pin him on the ground with his arms behind his back and my knees pinning his legs down. But something's off-- he doesn't seem to be trying as hard. "C'mon," I growl into his ear, "don't hold back." "Oh really?" He grins at me, laughter in his eyes, and I realize what he's thinking in his perverted mind. I flush deeply and he takes in my flustered state, and uses this to easily push me back, and he swings me up over his shoulder. I gasp, and kick his chest and pound on his back. "Let me go!!" Upside down, I see Vicky jogging towards us. "Alright, alright," she chides lightly, "that's enough. Let the poor girl down." He drops me onto the mats and I roll over into a crouch, glowering at Jimin. Vicky laughs. "Emma's a great fighter, but she seems to be distracted by you a bit." A weird sound escapes my throat. My eyes widen and I see Jimin laughing. I inhale sharply and my breath hitches. Blood roars in my ears and I brush past Vicky, stomping towards the locker rooms. ~~~ Please support me for the BTS contest with your ARMY bombs or votes!! Thank you <3 The cover picture is not mine (obviously hehe)

eloise_mochi · 音楽·バンド
15 Chs