

Downpours of cries started to gushing out,

A lone stick standing under a lonely leaf,

Thinking out the unfairness of life,

Praying for another stick to sprout beside.

Its raining cats and dogs, as I perceive the brewing storm,

Ready to engulf oneself to isolation,

Drops dripping non-stop, pours out its closed feelings,

Crying for every regret caused by unseconded thought.

One with natures feeling, broken like heart being rejected,

Thinking everything is undying still playing on recording,

Mind must be calm on the middle of brewing storm,

Self must be restraint in between the conflict of one.

Sat under the lonely leaf, it's very depressive,

Accompaniment of raining drops musically tone the scene,

Calm, sad, lonely, isolated; feelings touch from accompaniment,

Drown from music, dreams starts to draw in hue.

At last, wish comes true walking beside someone with companion,

Holding each hands, as mouths unceasing to stop,

Utopia as one's dream of intro-socialites,

Dream that can't be cut by any weapon nor Director's cut.

As it progress shining glitters starts to fall,

Autumn is now the season staring to feel cold,

Realizing that glitters falling are the pieces that makes the world,

Panic climbs up rapidly holding tightly as they go through far-end exit.

Gasping the air exchanging in and out as they finding where to go,

From glitters to ashes as they fall heavily,

As ground starts to crumble like crushed biscuit,

It's too late to step on exit, darkness engulf and colored the world.

I wake up as ground is wet so as my body,

World I've went to disappeared immediately,

So funny that I wish to be fooled then,

Still alone under the leaf of embrace.

I wish I'm like Adam so that I could finally have my Eve,

Yet I'm still a stick in sync with nature's rule,

Harmonize, uninterruptible by anyone,

I'm here waiting without complaining under nature's serenity.

Monday madness everyone. Thanks for nonstop reading my book.

Dark_Mancreators' thoughts