
Back To Work

"You... I can feel the Force around you... not in you... around... following but never touching... watching but never moving... yes... you, you are important... but you will never change the future... you only moves towards it, another piece of the dark lord... but maybe... maybe..."

This time, Dageer was utterly confused by what the lizard was saying. What did he mean by saying the Force surrounded Dageer? Wasn't this the thing only jedis could use? But the lizard just ignored Dageer's confusion.

"You... you will have influence... for good or bad, only time can say... you need to be careful... using the Force is a blessing you don't have, but it revolves around you... and it affects you and those close to you... you... you... be careful... go back, and be careful... be careful... be careful... be careful... be careful..."

The lizard just repeated two words over and over again, but instead of getting upset, Dageer felt relieved. That was because the weird feeling he had been sensing all along had disappeared. He took another look at the white lizard, and saw it had closed its eyes, and was swaying in place.

"Let's go. There is nothing we can get from him."

"Ehrmm... Sir, are you sure we can leave him like this?"

"He had been here before we arrived. He will do just fine. Let's go. We need to get back to work quickly. Our legion is probably already near the next target."

"You give the orders."

"Yes, I do. Move out."


Hell Squad stopped the speeders near the CR90. As soon as Dageer got out of the speeder, Lieutenant Shield came to him.

"Sir, we got the food we needed, but we are low in medical supplies. However, I don't know if we can really find anything here."

"You are right. Falco!"

"Yes, sir?"

"We are taking off as soon as possible. Fire up the ship."

"Yes, sir."

"Lieutenant Shield, come with me. Hell Squad, you too."

Dageer ordered someone to get the BARC Speeders inside the cargo compartment of the CR90, and told a few clones to follow him. They moved through the corridors of the ship easily, and arrived at the command bridge. Dageer signaled to Brain, who went ahead and turned on the hologram projector.

He typed on the table, and a blue hologram of a planet disappeared.

"This is Mygeeto. A cold but important planet for both Republic and Separatist. And it is where our next battle will be. Just before we were attacked in Duracnar, Commander Keeli send me the battle plans. If the fleet followed standard protocol, after we split, they must have continued to Mygeeto. Our transmitter is broken, so there is no way to confirm this, but we are going to there, and hoping that they are on Mygeeto. Falco, are we ready to take off?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then do it. I sent the coordinates to the ship's computer."

"Yes, sir."

The reason why Dageer wanted to leave Iktotch so badly was because of the lizard. He didn't know if it was just coincidence that they had stopped at Iktotch and found the old white lizard, but it was getting harder and harder for him to believe in coincidences. So, he wanted to get off the planet as soon as possible. Besides, there was a battle in the galaxy waiting for them.

"Any questions?"

"Is there any blockade around Mygeeto?"

Shield, the lieutenant, seemed to be worried about what was expecting them on Mygeeto. Dageer checked the datapad once again.

"Yes. The fleet will already be engaging with it. We join the fleet, and get back to the action."

"Any chance we can surprise them?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... since the seppies are fighting our fleet, is there any way for us to appear behind them, or do something?"


Dageer would have liked to do something like that, but after racking their brains for almost an hour, they still couldn't think of anything. By this time, the CR90 Corvette had already left Iktotch, and was in hyperspace. If nothing else happened, it should take them five days to get to Mygeeto. Hell Squad would then be two days late, but considering there was a Separatist blockade around Mygeeto, they probably would find General Di's fleet still engaging with the enemy.


With little to none bumping, the CR90 Corvette came out of hyperspace, and faced the usual scene of destruction that a space battle caused. It was at the same time much bigger, but also more insignificant than a ground battle.

Cruisers, destroyers, frigates, battlespheres, starfighters and many other kinds of ships were torn apart and floating in the vacuum. Each ship that blew meant the death of hundreds, or even thousands of clones and droids alike. For those who used an escape pod, it was all down to luck.

"Falco, connect us with The Sincerity."

Now that they were close to the fleet, their short-range transmitter could finally be put to use. Shortly, General Di's voice was heard.

"Dageer! You made it back. Where in the galaxy where you?"

"Sorry, general. When we were attacked, the coordinates on the hyperdrive changed. We were sent to Iktotch. It took us a little bit of time to get to here."

"Now that you are here, join the fray. I will send someone to pick up you and Hell Squad. Let your ship join the formation."

"Yes, sir."

"You heard him! Falco, get ready to join the battle. Hell Squad, Lieutenant Shield, Tyrio and Faos, prepare to leave."

"Yes, sir."

"Hell Squad, come over here."

Lieutenant Shield and the other two clones started packing up their weapons and armors. Meanwhile, Hell Squad formed up on Dageer.

"Metal, Dab, grab that crate."

The two clones followed his orders, and picked up the crate containing Hell Squad's Phase II armor. Dageer opened it, and showed the contents to a surprised Hell Squad.

"Hurry! Suit up. All the 303rd is already using the Phase II armor. We can't be left behind. Everyone grab yours."


A few minutes later, a Laat entered the hangar of the CR90. Very quickly, the clones boarded it, and left only the crew in the corvette.

"Good luck, Falco."

"To you too, sir."

The Laat left the corvette. Thanks to them coming out of hyperspace away from the battle, their journey to The Sincerity was calm.

After they arrived at the capital ship, Dageer saw that every clone inside the ship, be it infantry or crew was using brown armor that represented the 303rd. However, Hell Squad's armor was vastly different from the standard one, and they caused quite an impression when they entered the command bridge.

Hey guys, just to make it clear, Dageer doesn't wield the Force, neither will he become a jedi or anything like that. He is just a normal clone (maybe better than the others). And although I understand why some of you like the idea of him using the Force, he won't, otherwise the whole purpose of the novel (following a clone during the Clone Wars) will be defeated.

As for what this chapter and the last one meant, I will let you figure out.

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