

(Around 1 Week Ago)

"We have a lot to talk about Captain Rogers." Charles Xavier gave a small smile as he put his hand out towards Steve Rogers, another smile gracing his lips as he looked down at it. He didn't waste a second as he provided his own and shook it firmly. "Yes, yes we do." A few in the small apartment let out smiles at the interaction, with Tony being one of the only ones to roll his eyes at the interaction.

Jean kept to herself as she leaned against one of the bedroom doors, her eyes were slightly unfocused as she looked at the scene, because even though she was there, her mind was somewhere else.

Caught in her own thoughts, she didn't hear the small whispering at the back of her head as a fiery power slowly opened its eyes, sensing the apartment she stood in. "The web of life, the Totem. It was here. It was here." Rubbing her head in slight pain Jean shook it, her eyes flashing red for the briefest of seconds.

Her finger twitched and before she knew what was happening, a ghostly image of Peter suddenly appeared before her eye, her body froze in shock for a second as she watched the apparition move headed straight for her.

It had been so long since she had laid eyes on her friend, her crush…he looked so...different, she inhaled as the apparition continued to approach, before finally walking right through her, continuing on through the door at her back.

Shook from her slight daze, Jean quickly turned to the door eyes wide in wonder and worry. No one noticed the sudden change in the red head as all the focus was on the two men talking in the middle of the room.

Jean looked back at them for a second before slowly reaching up to turn the door handle, something seemed to be compelling her to open the door and if it was a clue towards the whereabouts of Peter, she would gladly do it.

Her hand had just about touched the handle when a stronger migraine struck her mind and her powers flared, Natasha's eyes flickered to the other red head in the room as she gripped her head in pain for a second, a small frown on her lips.

With her back turned no one could see the red fire that slowly started to build in her eyes and with the burning, something that hadn't happened in a long time occurred, Jean couldn't control her powers, couldn't stop the voices from entering.

'Well I wonder if being good with a bow could be a mutant power. It would explain some of the shots I've pull off over the years.'

'OMG I'm in the same room as Iron man! The Iron Man!...I thought he would be a bit more handsome.'

'Man the African Goddess in the white suit should change her career to super model with those curves, I could have gotten her number in 15 seconds back when....no... no, Pepper is the only on for you, bad Tony, bad.'

''What I would give for a good 'Dwarvern Ale/Canadian beer' right about now''

The new voice shocked the pain out of her mind though as she quickly reigned in her powers. The only ones in the room that noticed her sudden loss of control were Charles and a certain entity inside Laura.

Said entity slowly turned to look at Jean, and if it wasn't for the protection of her own inner demon, a shiver would have crawled down her spine. But Jean's mind was elsewhere, she slowly turned back to the others, she had heard something specific with what just happened, one name specifically. 'Peter.'

Jean's eyes locked onto the silver haired Felicia as she leaned on the exit to the apartment, trust her to position herself at the closest escape route. Jean's eyes riveted onto her body as the spike slowly gained control.

A flash of indecision went and came through Jean's mind for just a second as she looked at her, but once again the voice in the back of her mind slowly edged her forwards. 'She knows.' Though Jean didn't hear the words she made up her mind as she focused, turning her power into a weapon, prying away at Felecia's mind, peeling back layer after layer so that she could get her answers.

The problem was she couldn't read her mind or that she found it hard. Both her and the entity in her mind let out small frowns as they worked their way in, there was something… wrong, something different about her. Everyone but those trained to block telepathy, telepaths, or the exceptionally strong minded, were like open books to Jean and even then they were more like fortresses that blocked her out.

All she had to do, all she learned to do was to break down the walls, pierce their defences to find the information inside, this...this was something different, she wasn't like others…wasn't human? No that couldn't be right, her mind was in turmoil as she slowly started to increase her power, she would stop at nothing for information about Peter.

'Find him.'

Jean was in a trance as she started to increase her power, and as it continued to grow, continued to try and read her mind, Felicia slowly felt a growing pressure in the back of her skull. A small flicker of the eye and wince in pain were the start, but within a minute she couldn't help but let out a small groan, swaying on her feet, her body feeling weak.

Natasha quickly moved to support Felicia as she noticed something was happening, stepping closer her own body froze as she unsuspectingly got caught within the mental assault. Her body locked up for a second as her arms failed her.

With glazed eyes Jean didn't seem to know what she was doing as her power locked onto both people and started to unravel them. Slowly small pieced of the information she wanted started to flow into her mind, why Natasha had come to find Felicia, Laura, the Avengers reason for coming.

'But where is he.'

Everyone else in the room stopped what they were doing as they shot to their feet. "Nat, what's wrong?" Clint stepped closer, Tony already back in his armour brows furrowed in confusion. "Jarvis, scan them now." The room built in intensity as it waited for the AI's answer. "I can detect no outside interference affecting them, however they both show highly increased brain activity at this time."

A small voice inside Laura spoke up as the others looked on in worry. "It's the phoenix." Laura's eye inadvertently turned to Jean in a second, a small growl escaping her lips alerting the others, as her claws popped out. *Snikt* "It's her." All eyes turned to Jean, trapped in her own world as she starred at the two.

Clint levelled his bow in her direction as Tony raised his repulsor. Scott quickly moved in their way and reached for his optics, joined closely by Beast and Nightcrawler. "No wait something's wrong." Storm tried to be the voice of reason while Charles looked on in shock.

Just one look at the slightly red tinged eyes was enough to tell him what was happening; Jean's powers were acting up! Shutting his eyes with a snap, he reached for his own head as he focused all his powers on Jean.

Hitting a brick wall of psychic defences, Xavier dived through them while the situation in the apartment heated up. Steve looked on in contemplation, frowning as his hand inadvertently reached for his shield lying next to him.

Scott was the first to talk in the small stalemate. "Lower your weapons!" Clint quickly shot back. "What the hell is she doing to them!" Tony backing him up. "Yeah, One eyed Willy, stop whatever she is doing, before we make you." Scott scowled at the nick name, fingering the dial next to his eyes.

His hands gripped in tension not willing to give ground when it concerned Jean. "Not until you lower your damn weapons!" Clint pulled back his string and the repulsor in Tony's suit whirled to life as they prepared to fire. Laura looked at the clear pain on Felicia's and more importantly Natasha's face before stepping forward, a low growl escaping her lips.

Gambit and Storm quickly stepped in her path, before she could make it closer. Seeing that things were going south fast, Thor reached for the hammer at his waist, as Logan stepped towards him, claws inching down as he stopped before him. "I wouldn't do that bub." Thor just shot him a bit of a cocky smile as he felt his battle lust rise.

Steve furrowed his brows as he watched the events unfold before him, his hand, that was about to reach the shield, stopped as the frown deepened. Why was he about to fight the people he was fighting with not just 30 minutes ago? Though of course something seemed to be happening to both Natasha and Felicia he wasn't usually one to jump into a fight like that, he would look for other solutions before finally having to pick up his shield, but... he felt a bit more aggressive than usual.

Pulling his hand away from his shield and quelling the anger that seemed to appear from nowhere he turned to the Avengers, who were about to start shooting. "Barton, Stark, Thor, weapons down, something isn't right here."


As the situation continued in the apartment, Charles finally broke through the last mental wall surrounding Jean's mind, her outer ones any way, it would have taken a lot longer to break into her inner mind, but he only needed to talk to her.

Looking around the mind scape before him, he looked around curiously at the place he found himself in. He hadn't been here before, which was weird considering he had helped Jean create many of her inner mind scapes and guided her through it.

Based off many of her childhood schools, hang outs and her old house, the room he found himself in matched none of them, surprising him for a second, before he snapped out of it. His eyes scanned over the room quickly running past the computer that situated itself just before an open window.

Skimming over it and the many science related books stacked on the desk and floor, his eyes zeroed on to Jean who was sitting on the bed. She starred out into the window across from her at nothing as Charles quickly rushed forwards, looking into her eyes he could see them dominated by flames. Flames which exuded a power that made a small shiver go down the back of his spine. Placing his arms on her shoulders he quickly focused his mind as he shouted out, he could tell she was in a lucid state of mind.

"Jean! What are you doing?! Wake UP!" The words got through to her as she slowly turned her head towards the standing professor, blinking her eyes in curiosity. "Professor, what are you doing here?"

A small breath of relief escaped from him as he looked at the clarity in her eyes, no longer clouded by flames. "You're finally back." "Back?" Jean tilted her head in wonder for a second, before the memories of the last few minutes rushed back into her mind.

'What have I done!'


The shock quickly kicked both Jean and Charles from her mind scape. Jean felt her heart rate increase as she finally noticed the scenery around her and looked at what was happening. Everyone was tense as they starred at her figure; luckily everyone had their weapons lowered.

Before she could say anything a wave of tiredness washed over Jean's body forcing her to stumble, while Natasha and Felecia both blinked their eyes and let out groans. Clint was the first to reach for Natasha as she almost fell to the ground, while Laura turned her attention away from the x-men and slowly walked over to Felicia.

Felicia shook her head in pain for a few more seconds, before an angry glint slowly took root in her eyes. They snapped over to the weak form of Jean as she slowly started to slip into unconsciousness, she knew what Jean was trying to do and she was furious. The pure anger behind her eyes was the last thing Jean saw before slowly drifting off.

The light-hearted mood that had prevailed over the group beforehand was long gone as everyone looked between Felicia, Natasha and Jean. Tony couldn't help but speak up in the silence. "What the Frack was that."

Charles grimaced in regret as he turned back to Steve and the others, all who looked now apprehensive at the gathered x-men. "That was a misunderstanding and an accident. I'm very sorry Miss Romanoff and you to Miss Hardy." He looked at both women, Natasha slightly disturbed and Felicia out right furious.

"Jean sometimes has trouble controlling her powers...but this...this has never happened before. I believe it might have had something to do with her stress over the past few days, an old friend of hers, Peter Parker if I'm not mistaken has gone missing at it has put her under a ginormous pressure. Please accept my apology on her behalf, she would never forcefully read a person's mind without permission."

Tony couldn't help but mutter under his breath hearing the name once more. "Science guys get all the girls? Who knew…though I am an engineer myself…how could the movies get it so wrong?" Logan gave a small snort overhearing the words but said nothing else as they waited for their response.

Steve gave a small nod at the words, though he was feeling a little apprehensive after what just happened and though Natasha had a sort of understanding but guarded look in her eyes, Felicia was more emotional! "That was trying to read our mind! No, no, no. Keep this...this freak away from me! And keep her away from Peter!"

Saying her piece, Felicia stormed out of the room. Downcast looks adorned the x-men as the heard the word 'freak' utter once more to describe one of them. Steve gave a small glance towards Clint who had moved a small distance from Natasha once more, a small message passed between them before Clint gave a small nod and moved to follow her.

Who knew what she would do after what just happened, having your mind messed with was something Clint didn't wish on anyone else after what happened with Loki. Though he wouldn't voice his own opinion right now, his feeling towards the other red head had plummeted after what just happened.

Still remaining diplomatic, Steve gave an uneasy smile as he replied to Charles. "I'm sure she didn't really mean those words. After whatever just happened, she needs... she needs some time to herself. Possible we could continue this conversation later at...a better time?"

Charles gave a small nod as he looked over at Beast checking Jean to see if anything was wrong. Checking her over once, Beast lent down and picked her up so they could get back to the black bird as Scott looked on with worry. Their eyes met for a second before he nodded and turned back to Steve. "That would seem to be for the best. I'm sure once Jean wakes up she will want to immediately apologize for what happened."

Sticking his hand out once more the two leaders shook hands and slowly made their way out, though this time, their hand shake was a bit weak, apprehensive in nature. It would take a while to mend relations after what just happened.


Charles looked one last time sadly at Jean as the black bird slowly rose into the air. This new 'power' was slowly getting out of hand, gaining influence over Jean, and he felt useless to stop it when it finally broke free. All he wanted, all he hoped...was that he could help Jean when that time came.

Hey guys here's the chapter, way, way longer than it should be...but i was like, yeah i won't split this chapter for you guys. I know i would get some flack for that. though seriously this is way longer than I thought it would be.

Funnily enough I completely forgot about a few characters when I was writing this so I had to go back and add a small Thor scene when I realized I forgot him.

So yeah This chapter is the size of two large chapters, or 3 normal chapters, so don't know when the next chapter will be, still busy with work, supposedly it will be getting busier after the end of easter...FFS. Anyways i'm back at it.

I think it will be a bit more interesting having a few of them hate each other before liking each other, when it comes to the harem.

With regards to Felicia and her resistance to telepathy I think I have said before the one I based her off was different than the usual. I took the black cat which has super strength and was experimented on by her father...though my memory could be off a bit. But yeah the experimentation gave her better reflexes, strength, the ability to change her hair color and do all the stuff black cat does. And makes it hard for telepaths to read and locate her mind because of how her physiology has changed. or that's the in story explanation.

Zevren out!

BTW, this chapter has taken, abut 3 hours to complete and edit maybe a bit more. just some context before you ask for a chapter tomorrow.

Zevrencreators' thoughts