
She wanted to know why

It was a long, very long dream. Something she had never dreamt of before. Baby Doll found herself wearing a long white dress. It was plain and quite simple, nothing to be called eye-catching. As she walked ahead, she followed the trail of white stones, which were laid smoothly into a path. She was bare-footed and felt the round and flat stones under her feet. Very soon, they were replaced by soft lush grass. Then, she heard that familiar voice.

"You came", the cool, cello-like voice had a smiling edge, "Come here."

His broad back faced her. As she came nearer, the sight was suddenly filled with white mist. They covered her view as she very desperately tried to fan away from the clouds of mist with her hands. But, as the misty clouds disappeared, she saw that the beautiful landscape that stretched ahead of her moments ago had changed into a barren landscape.

She turned around with her heavy breathes, and desperately tried to search for him. But, he was nowhere to be found. And with that, her dream turned into a nightmare, and her deep sleep broke.


Baby Doll groggily opened her eyes. She could feel that her dress had been thoroughly soaked with cold sweat, making her shiver. In the distance, she could make out Emily talking to someone. She blinked her eyes a few times and her vision cleared.

Emily was talking to a man. A man! Was she planning to sell her out?! Baby Doll was alarmed and she tried to sit up. Just then, she heard Emily say, "Thank you, Doctor. You can come for a check-up later."

With that, the doctor pulled his briefcase and walked out of her room. Baby Doll breathed a sigh of relief and her breath suffocated. She realized that she was wearing that annoying mask again. baby Doll grunted and tried to remove it. But then, she felt a firm hand grasping her wrist tightly. She looked up and saw Emily staring at her. She moved her lips, "Not yet."

"What do you mean?" Baby Doll freed herself from her grasp, "You said that I have to wear this only when we are out."

"Yeah, but", Emily glanced towards the door, "Once the doctor is out."

"Why?" Baby Doll was furious, "Is my face ugly? It isn't. Is it scarred? It isn't. Then, why?"

"Calm down", Emily tried pacifying her, "It's not good for your health."

"I don't think you know better than the doctor", Baby Doll flung away the blanket that covered her and her long legs stepped on the cold floor, "I will go and ask him now!"

Saying so, Baby Doll stood up and marched out of the room angrily. But, before she could reach the stairs, Emily pulled her back and a hard slap landed on her face. Baby Doll's delicate face swelled up and it turned red from impact. Her tears welled up and she spoke in a broken tone, "You slapped me?"

Baby Doll immediately slapped her hand away and ran back to the room. She slammed the door hard before Emily could enter. Baby Doll fell into the bed and her tears immediately fell out. She could hear Emily shout, "Hey! I didn't mean to do that. Come out, okay?"

Her tears rolled down hard as it soaked in the white bedsheets.

Why? Why was her life like this? It was already frustrating that she was suffering from amnesia. Did the heavens plan to torture her endlessly? She wanted to know why. What did she do in her past life to incur such pains in this life? Emily, an outsider, had hit her. Why? Who was she? what was her actual identity? Why was Emily so desperate to hide her face?

These questions bothered her and Emily's noisy shouts and scream disappeared into the background. After crying for so long, Baby Doll was so fatigued that she fell asleep right there with her butts up.

Well, in the middle of exams, I typed a chapter to vent out my frustrations. Hope you like it.

Asmita_Mukherjeecreators' thoughts