
Daddy's girl

The three of them, including the doctor, was standing inside the ICU, specially arranged for Eddie. The doctor was explaining, "Coma patients are not rare cases. During this time, the family members are their biggest support. If they can provide TLC, they recover faster."

"TLC? What's that?", Alice asked in the hope if she can do something.

"Tender Loving Care", the doctor replied.

Just then, her phone rang & she excused herself. It was an unknown number.


"Crook speaking."

"Ah! Mr. Crook! Sorry for the trouble, recently", Alice felt a tinge of guilt.

"Nah! It wasn't your fault. Well, I called you to inform that your new album will be released 5 days later along with the music video."

"Thank you, Mr. Crook. I'm glad", she felt strange emotions swelling in her heart.

"No worries. You worked hard & it will give you the best fruit."

"Thank you."

She hung up her phone & a smile played on her lips. TLC, right? She had her way out!

She rushed in & sat on the bedside stool. She glanced at him & he understood her as he said to the doctor, "Thanks for your information, Doctor."

The doctor caught the hint & nodded before leaving.

Before he could speak, both Jake & he saw, Alice holding hands with Eddie, "You know, Eddie. My new album "Sparks" will be releasing this weekend. Are you not going to give me your good wishes? I know you can hear me."

When they saw what she was trying to do, they felt ease at heart.


Pink Villa

The days passed & within no time it was weekend. That morning, Alice woke up earlier than usual. Because today her new solo album would be released. Moreover, she needed to give this news to Eddie. She would even show her the MV. She's really happy. So, she quickly took a bath, prepped herself a fluffy omelet & went to her miniature closet. She found herself an off-shoulder white blouse & a black knee-length dungaree. She put on the dress & went outside to wait for Daniel to pick her up. Within moments, a car appeared before her & she got into it.


Alice browsed through YouTube, & saw the heartfelt comments & encouragement from her newly made fans. Even, her Instagram was soaring high with fans. An hour of the release of her firsts solo album, it had reached 3 million views. And with the views, soared her fan base to 2.5 million.

"Her voice's amazing. How could I miss someone like her?"

"Of course, she's her Daddy's girl."

"The lyrics stole my heart & her voice filled it with passion."

"Only one word: Awesome."

Moreover, someone posted an old video of her Dad playing the piano & her 4-year-old self singing to her Dad's beats. The video ranked the top searches as it went viral! She was really glad & smiled.

Daniel saw her smile & felt at ease. Finally, she was on her path to stardom. The feeling was amazing.


Civil Hospital

Jake was already there when Alice entered with Daniel. Soon, they entered the room where Eddie was kept. She was practically dead in all appearances, except her breathing. She sat down by the bedside & began speaking while the guys stood there silently.

"Eddie! You know, my first solo album was released today. It's getting good reviews. You wanna see?"

Alice began playing the video, but suddenly she felt Eddie's finger twitch, the hand she's holding.

"Daniel! Jake! Her finger twitched slowly. Call the doctor!"

"Huh?", Jake was dumbfounded.

But Daniel rushed to find the doctor. When the doctor came, he examined Eddie for a while & said, "Of course, she's recovering. It's a great development. All thanks to Miss Buds."

The doctor left & Daniel spoke, "I'm glad she's recovering. Thanks, Al."

"No worries, darling", Alice winked.

Just then, Jake's phone rang & he left the room to attend it. It was a call from home, so he picked it up.

"Hello?", Jake spoke in a stern voice.

"Sir, Young Madam accidentally cut her finger."

"Okay, I'm coming", Jake took one glance at the door, before he turned around & left.


Milton House

"Are you done?", Olivia inquired the maid who was on the phone.

"Yes, Ma'am."


Another maid rushed in, "The Young Master is home."

"Get in your position."


Jake walked in & saw a maid attending Olivia's wound.

"You shouldn't have called him. He went to meet Eddie, you know."

"But you were bleeding heavily, Ma'am."

"It's okay",Olivia put on the brightest smile.

"Let me check",Jake spoke with a straight face.

The maid left the chair & made room for him. He sat on it & began bandaging her wound with a serious manner.

"How's Eddie?",Olivia asked. Jake looked at her & for some reasons unknown, he deliberately lied, "The doctor is not sure about her stability yet."

"I see. I heard she's in coma."

"Umm...you're right."

A smirk appeared on Olivia's face when he was not noticing. Ha! Even if she didn't die, at least she went into a coma. For God's sake, be like that for a few years, & Jake would be hers!


Somewhere in the Civil Hospital

Rose was lying weakly like a sheet of pale ice. Her body was attached to different machines which were working under coordination. She called out weakly, "Mom...Can you...call Alice... for me? I want to see...her...for one...last time...& congratulate her."

Madam Brigand looked at her daughter worriedly. She knew she felt guilty for whatever wrong she did.

"Sure", she agreed & went out to make a call.

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Well, I'm unable to release 2 chapters everyday due to my hectic schedule. Between school & home. So, my dear readers, I hope you don't mind ♡♡

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