
Mutated Night Raven , Skill Hidden In The Stone

When the Fire Hatching Liquid dropped on the Egg it started to shine weakly.

'How is this possible?!'Hao Shen was very surprised that the Egg didn't hatch even after receiving the Fire Hatching Liquid.

'There is only two possible reason as for why the Egg didn't hatch , the first is that the Egg is still in incubation period which his impossible since there is some little crack on it and the second reason is that this Magical Beast will have an affinity with more than one element.

If this is really the case , I got the jackpot.'

After sometime passed , the weak light grew stronger and stronger , Hao Shen had used his Soul Power to inspect the little Egg change the whole time.

After his observations , Hao Shen could tell that the Magical Beast inside the Egg still had a primary Fire Affinity and the second Affinity came from an external cause.

It had to be know that Magical Beast with two Type of Dou Qi Affinity were extremely rare.

After another two hours passed the light reached its peak and cracking sound came from the Egg.

Suddenly a little explosion happened in the Egg and the shell fractured , a little head came out of the Egg , it was a little raven bird but it had really strange feathers , normal Night Raven were fully black but this one had some purple luster inside of his black feathers.

After the little bird managed to crack the shell of his egg enough for him to go out of it , it started looking around , when the bird saw Hao Shen looking at him his eyes showed happiness and dependance as he tried clumsily to make his way towards Hao Shen.

Hao Shen seeing this went towards the bird and took it in his arms , the bird was very happy about this and started to cry to Hao Shen , it seemed that he was hungry.

Hao Shen couldn't help but chuckle seeing this and took some low grade fire plant which he melted quickly and gave the drop of it to the baby raven.

After the baby raven had eaten he closed his eyes and fell asleep to digest the energy present in the drops of fire plant.

After puting down the bird Hao Shen began to think.

'Now that I can't leave the cave for sometimes I should see if the stone I found in the nest of the Night Raven was really a Dou Qi Skill.'

Hao Shen sat down cross legged and took out the stone from his Storage Ring , after taking it out he inspected the stone with his soul power and suddenly felt some informations directly transfering in his brain.

'Hehehe , it seems that my luck is quite good , a rare Mouvement Dou Skill and whats more , it's a Xuan Class High Level one.'

It had to be know that in the whole Jia Ma Empire only the Imperial Familly and the Yun Lan Sect were curently in possession of a Di Class Dou Qi Skills , even the Hao Clan only had some Xuan Class High Level Skill but they didn't have any Di Class , as for Mouvement Dou Qi Skills these were even more rare , the highest leveled one in the whole Jia Ma Empire was only of the Xuan Class Medium Level , it means that actually Hao Shen possessed the strongest Mouvement Skill in the whole Jia Ma Empire.

The Skills was named Thousand Step Whirlwind and as said in the name of the skill it could be practised till the user reached the one thousand step limit , when one reached this level he would be able to create giagantic Whirlwind.

Once practised to the hundredth step one could form small air curent which would boost the speed of the user , when practised the 500th step one could ride the air current for a small moment thus allowing someone under the Dou Wang Realm and once practiced to the thousandth step one would be able to fly at the same level as a Dou Wang it was pretty similar to a Flying Type Dou Qi Skills but more useful as it could accelerate the mouvement on the ground.

Without delay Hao Shen started practising it and managed to reach the fifteenth step in less than an hour , he then stopped practising as he had exhausted his Dou Qi so he sat in medidation and began to recovers the consummed Dou Qi.

After an hour he finally recovered his used Dou Qi and had stabilized his cultivation in the 3-star Dou Zhe Realm.

When he got up the little raven also awoke so Hao Shen went to pick it up , since it was Black in color he decided to name it Xiao Hei and he seemed to like his new name.

Xiao Hei was not a Rank 1 Magical Beast as he was just born so Hao Shen could only spend the next week in the cave while training his Dou Qi Skills and cultivating to wait for Xiao Hei to grow.

The Magical Beast were actually growing up very fast in the first week of their life , it was due to the danger present in the wilderness were they were born , to prevent them from dying the Magical Beast Evolution made them grow up very fast.

A week later Xiao Hei had consumed a lot of fire based treasure and he already became a Rank 1 Magical Beast , he had grown from less than a 50cm to aproximatively a meter.

The second element that Xiao Hei possessed was the Lightning Dou Qi Affinity , being a Rank 1 Magical Beast he was able to fire some small fireball and when Hao Shen saw them for the first time he was shocked , these fireball were not like normal one , Xiao Hei's fireball had Lightning flowing in them thus increasing their attack power but it also made them able to slightly paralyze the enemy.

Hao Shen had succesfully practised the Thousand Step Whirlwinds to the hundredth step andwas able to speed up thanks to the small air current created by it but after reaching this step his training became more slow and he only reached the 106th step , he had reached the fourth slash of the Flash Slash Skill and was pretty close to being able to perform the fifth and thus being able to create Sword Light.

No chapter before at least 8h from now.

Thanks for reading propose skill name and rank if you have some I'll try to take those that I found interesting

YeChenZhicreators' thoughts