
Episode 21 - Touchdown pt. 2


The match's day has come. They were never 100% prepared to die, but they had the hope and motivation to avoid that from happening. The atmosphere was still a bit tense from the night's before happenings. Raphael was still convinced that there was something weird about Zorn, but by now it was more thanks to his heartbreak than any other thing Zorn himself had done. Dominik had decided to act by himself in this round. He wouldn't listen to Regina, even less to Luke.

– Regina… are you sure that everything is gonna be alright…? —asked Agatha, her worry very noticeable—.

– Relax, you worry too much. Its true that everything is a bit weird, but we're strong, so we're going to win.

Regina continued to punch the training dummy. She decided to use the daggers for today, since she wasn't much of a revolver fan. Agatha couldn't keep out of her head that something wrong is going to happen. She had a bad feeling.

Luke was behind the warehouse, sitting on the ground. He was nervous. Before, he didn't think much about dying in war, but now it was different. Now someone put all of them in that situation, on purpose, to fight against each other. It was something he couldn't let escape. He needed to get answers before he died. He was biting his nail out of frustration. It was impossible to know which match would be their last. And worst of all, it was impossible to get in contact with his dad. It was as if someone had discovered them and cut all communication with the exterior. Luke was sure of it.

He punched the ground with all his strength.

– I'll get to the end of this… I promise… father.

And the, he made his way to the coliseum.


Inside the warehouse were Ray and Jade. Phoebe always avoided being near them, even more so if Alec and Augustus weren't in there. Which they never were recently.

– Jade… —Ray got closer to her bed, sitting next to her— This… could be our last chance to get out alive. A-are you ready?

– I can't tell you I'm 100% ready… —she laughed nervously— but… —she looked him in the eyes— I trust in all of us. We've made it so far. —she smiled—.

Ray couldn't hold on any longer. In a second, Ray took Jade's face with both hands and kissed her. Jade couldn't close her eyes in shock. She couldn't react. Ray slowly separated from her and ran to the door. It was open. Standing there, he noticed how Phoebe was walking away. He sighed profusely and then, her figure was no longer on his eyesight.

It was time. Both teams were on the coliseum. As soon as the robotic voice finished its speech, everybody made their way to their pods. Alec looked around the place looking for Luke. Luke looked at him and made a sign they both planned beforehand.

Alec knew this could be their last chance. That's why Luke and Alec made an agreement.

"— Luke, you know this is our last chance, right? After this round, one of us will be gone. And need to keep going.

– I know, you don't have to keep repeating it —he sighed— Alec. I know the map. If any of us notices the match is about to end, we'll go to this place. —he signaled a point on the map he had in his hands— there, we'll decide what to do. We'll use these signals inside the match to communicate.

– Alright. I'll see you inside, Luke."

Augustus lay down on the pod and took a deep breath. He felt relaxed, taking into account the circumstances. He trusted in them. Trusted that they could find the one behind it all. Seconds went by and they were already inside the map.

– Alright, this way, Augustus.

Without thinking it twice, Augustus followed Alec.

Again, Ray, Jade and Phoebe were alone from the beginning. Phoebe took a dagger and went outside without saying anything to them. Her heart broke the moment she saw their kiss.

Jade felt a bit awkward. Even more so because she met Hal before dying. She felt as if she has replacer her completely. She took a revolver and got out of the place. Ray was about to take her hand but hesitated, letting her go. Likewise, he took a revolver and ran to where the ball was.

Inside the match, Alec and Augustus were in the place where Luke said they will meet.

– Is this the place?

– Yes, here is where Luke signaled us. Let's wait for him

A few minutes later, Luke arrived. The 3 of them decided to fight the match justly, doing their best, anything that were to happen, the other will take care of it from then on.


The Purple Team was ready to attack. Dominik was carrying the ball alone to the enemy base. Agatha got close to him to protect him from any danger.


Screamed Dominik, running faster to get away from Agatha. The points he gets will be only made by himself, no help needed from his team. Agatha was dumbfounded not knowing what to do. She put her hand against her chest, looking down. She felt a bit betrayed, even though they were in the same team for a short time. In that moment, Agatha felt how a dagger was being stabbed on her back, making her disappear in an instant.

Dominik noticed and looked back, seeing how phoebe was quickly getting closer to him. Nothing was going to stop him, and so, he made the first point.

Regina was trying to defend their base, but even thought she had been practicing with the dagger, she wasn't that good with it. Thanks to that, the enemy team could get a few consecutive points. Luke couldn't take it anymore.

– REGINA! What are you even doing!? You're giving them free points! —screamed Luke—.

– I ALREADY TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! I'M YOUR LEADER! And I'm doing what I can! —she threw the dagger to the floor— I'm just bad with this trashy weapon!

– Then you should've practiced more! Wasn't it you the one who's always complaining about us doing nothing! Do something by yourself!

Regina ran away. It was true that the Orange Team was in a great advantage and were close to winning thanks to her not being able to protect their base.

– I-I'll defend the base, y-you go and get some points, Luke.

Agatha approached the base, a little scared of Luke. Even though Agatha was shy and quiet, she was one of the best from her region. Luke could trust her.

– Tch.


Orange Team were leading, but the Purple Team was quickly making their way up. The moment they changed defense and Regina was on the offense, they could get much more points quickly and easily. Both teams were closer in points. And without noticing, they were close to losing too.

– Augustus, lets go to that place again, we're almost losing.

– You're saying we're going to lose with such ease, Alec.

– Because I accepted it. Well leave the rest to Luke.

Alec and Augustus made their way back to the place. Luke was already there waiting for them. It was almost certain that the Orange Team was going to lose. The Purple Team tied with them and were a point away from winning.

– Luke, everything is at your hands. We trust in you. —said Alec—.

– Ah… —he laughed softly— well, yeah. Don't worry. I'll get to the bottom of this. For you and all the other fallen soldiers.

Ray looked at his wrist and noticed how the Purple Team was a point away from winning. He took advantage of the time left and ran to Jade, hugging her tightly.

– J-Jade… I'm sorry… I thought that with you I could forget Hal… I only saw her in you… I'm sorry…

Ray hugged her tighter and tightest as he started to sob. Jade didn't hug him back. Just stayed there, standing.


Everyone in the team woke up at the same time. Getting out of the pods, Regina fell to her knees. Covering her face with her hands and starting to sob. Agatha looked at her and quickly approached her, but Luke was quicker.

– … I'm sorry.

Luke took Regina in his arms and hugged her. Regina opened her eyes in shock. But decided to stay there unmoving.

In that moment, the robotic voice spoke again, calling for the Red Team to the coliseum. They didn't take long to arrive. Regina quickly got up, getting away from Luke. Dried her tears with both arms and looked as if nothing had happened. No one else could see how vulnerable she really was.

"Welcome back. Congratulations. Purple Team and Red Team are the last teams standing. One more round and all of this will end.

The mechanics from the next and final round will be Captain. It consists of both team's leaders wearing a crown on their heads. Similar to Death Match. You simply need to get 30 points killing each other. The only difference is, killing the captains will give you 5 points. That is all.

Before finishing, the promised hint I give you at the end of the rounds. Red and Purple Teams… I only have to tell you that, your leaders, are not what they seem to be. We'll see you in the next round."

In that moment, everyone looked at their captains, not knowing what to say. Luna and Regina were there, perplexed.

