
Waterfall Visualization 

"Let's go through this one more time," said Jingsung as he walked ahead calmly. 


As Will ran, he used his free hand to form the shape of a sword and used it to create water blades infused with Truth to clear the path ahead, while he focused the majority of his energy into his sword and gripped it. 


Parallel processing was one of Will's fortes but he was still quite burdened. 


He concentrated his Sword Force to the best of his ability. The formless, sharpness and ripple concepts were applied to Will's sword. 


"Imagine the surface of your sword as a river tapering off into a waterfall. The guard of your blade is the top of the waterfall while the tip of your blade is the bottom."


As Will walked, he continued to dish out instructions with deadly precision while concentrating on the task at hand. His body thrummed in joy at sensing the higher concentration of water elements.  His performance was raised as he was a water-type cultivator. His water affinity was without a doubt the greatest in his generation as he was the one and only Water Meister! 


Jingsung Ha patiently lectured Will as he readied his attack. "Imagine the water falling down the waterfall with a faster and faster velocity."


As Will ran he coalesced a membrane of water along the length of his sword. Within seconds the membrane started to flow. It was as if Will's sword had become some sort of Aquatic Chainsaw as the water membrane flowed around the sword. It flowed down the edge of his sword from the tip of the blade to the guard. 


Will felt his strength soar as his body gradually started to adjust to the buffs. His faster body was not hard to get used to as it was a speed similar to how he moved after opening the 2nd Door. 


Will felt the water blade on his katana sharpen itself to a frightening degree and was about to apply the next part of his training when an overwhelming feeling surged through him


Will had a temporary feeling of omniscience that made him doubt himself. His water connection reached a level so great that Will felt as if he was connected to every water molecule within a five-meter radius. This included his teammates as well. 


Body temperature, blood pressure. Physiology, bone structure and body type. All these became transparent to Will. But this was only for a fraction of a second. The feeling of omniscience was fleeting and left as soon as it came. 


Will was mentally strained and could not focus. No one had warned him about this and he was unprepared. He had barely registered what he had seen when it disappeared. It was simply too much knowledge for him to store. Not to mention his understanding of biology was insufficient when compared to the standard needed to understand what he saw. Nevertheless, a few minor pieces of knowledge stuck in his mind. 


'These two are freaks of nature. I knew they were different but this is a bit extreme.'


Will sighed as he stared at his targets. He could not have expected to have come across such odd physiques. 


Way at the back, the temporarily hyper Natasha looked at Will and wondered, "Why is he staring at Achilles and Lyra?" 


Will didn't even bother looking at their opponents, the Wailing Banshees, at the moment. His gaze switched between his subordinates with a shocked expression. 


While Natasha struggled to understand what was happening, everyone else seemed too absorbed in their own mission to notice. But if one paid attention to Palmer's eyes, one would notice a glint of understanding. But he kept his cavalier cool smile and smoothly distributed shields with stunning accuracy. 


Will quickly readjusted his mind and focused on the waterblade coating his sword. 


"If you release a water blade as a Water Meister, then you should not have to conjure another to deal with minor enemies. 


When you are striking down, imagine the river flooding, causing the waterfall to temporarily expand. Imagine the water flowing faster with an upsurge of force. Water is a heavy substance, so do not forget to picture the force the waterfalls with. 


The moment you release the water blade, focus all your attention on the blade itself and predict its trajectory. Do not allow it to break apart! "


Will's eyes surged as he picked a target. A large Wailing Banshee approached their group from the side. Will did not release any instruction and instead swung his sword in that direction. The sound of a body being sliced in two reached the ears of the observers. Their Truth Auras and various skills bathed the area in a heavy light that was absorbed by the odd mist. 


This creature had not yet reached the area that had been cleared and instead was still within the miasma. Will could now isolate more distinct killing intents within his area. With his increased connection to the water element and his powerful area, he could also form a relationship with the water molecules within the poison. 


This would only last as long as Elemental Focus was active, but it was extremely useful and allowed Will to detect presences much earlier. 


The others didn't need to see the corpse as they each had their own methods of peering into the poison. But unlike Will, they could only focus on one area at a time. 


Experience floated to everyone, signifying a successful kill. 


'Was that a water blade?' 


Before anyone could make out what had happened, a Wailing Banshee appeared above. 


'One escaped Solitary's notice?'

Natasha had expected Will to slip up, hence she remained on high alert. She prepared to launch a waterblade before seeing the Banshee split in two! 


A water blade shredded through the creature and headed straight for Will's position. 


'He recycled the previous water blade and had it come back from behind?' 


Gianluigi calmly analysed everything from the back with an amused expression. 


Will had no interest in anyone's expression because his task was far from over. In fact, he had only just begun. 


Jingsung Ha kept walking on as Will opened up the path ahead with water blades and water bullets filled with Truth. Jingsung's voice was calm with a somewhat hypnotic effect that made Will as if he could focus better.


"The waters have fallen but who says there is only one waterfall?"


Will understood very well what Jingsung was hinting at and he completely agreed. Will was already picturing the waters flowing on into another waterfall. 


The free hand he used to clear the path ahead performed a pulling motion, attracting the water blade to it with haste. As soon as the hand made contact with the water blade, it slid across the length of the blade, coating it once more. Will used the centripetal force to spin and release the water blade once again! 


He repeated his previous imagery of picturing the water accelerating and bursting. 




The sound of a corpse being shredded entered everyone's ears once again. A few Banshees appeared without warning once again, but this time Natasha did not panic. She did nothing and focused her mental energy on the two Banshees that had appeared from above.  Her patience was rewarded immediately. 


A fast water blade emanating an incredibly sharp sword force horizontally bisected the creatures just as they had materialized. With a smooth motion, Will's free hand accepted the water blade and reapplied it to his sword. The blade would then be swung, killing another banshee while the free hand would cast a water blade to clear the path ahead.



'His left hand is mainly for support while his right hand is meant to release short burst water blades.'


Not only was Will attacking two directions, but he was also scouting for the others giving them directions. 


Natasha narrowed her eyes as she looked at Will like she didn't know him. He wasn't using any high-tier skills, nor had he opened any gates. Despite this, with just two buffs, his output had increased drastically. 


'He is very useful for fighting mobs. But how long can you keep this up?' 


Natasha looked at Lyra and said, "How long can you keep up Elemental Focus?" 


Lyra thought for a moment, "It depends, but the longest I can make this last is 10 minutes. After that, I will need to rest for a few hours before I can cast it again for the water element.'


Natasha had expected this much, as there was no such thing as an overpowered buff skill. What was surprising however was what Lyra had said after mentioning the time limit. 


'Can he cast it for another element?' 


Natasha was about to ask Lyra directly when Will interjected," We would have reached the Dragon's Corpse in 10 minutes. Not to worry."


Natasha could feel the poison become abnormally strong, but the pressure their party faced had not increased for some time so she had failed to notice their rapidly changing environment. 


'I didn't notice it, but the number of strong Banshees we have been facing hasn't increased!' 


As they got closer to the corpse they expected to meet stiffer resistance, but instead, they reached a plateau where the pressure they received from the Banshees was constant. 


'That means Solitary is killing more and more the closer we get. Keeping the pressure on the rest of us light.'


Unlike Natasha who was concerned with the overall situation, Gianluigi and the Crescent Moon Brothers kept their attention on Will. 


Will's water blade was becoming more dangerous with each release. It was always a small increment, but over time it became sharper, faster and covered a greater distance. 


'Now he is killing 5 Banshees with each release of his water blade. Peerless, you have an incredible subordinate.' 


The group had only travelled a few kilometres since Will started to actively attack, but Gianluigi estimated that within 2 minutes, Will's kill count would be the highest! 
