
Tanaga's Memory Returned. But...

Tanaka, on the other hand, seeing this, was more than grateful that his mother was going to calm down finally. He smiled as he saw his mother quiet down and glare at the head nurse. Hopefully, his mother wouldn't get into any more trouble.

While this was all happening, Ashley called uncle Ruffy to gain more information about her husband's current situation. 

"Hello, uncle Ruffy, where are you? How is Tanaga doing? Any updates on the situation?" Ashley worriedly interrogated her uncle for answers as she headed to the elevator.

"Ashley, I'm here in Sir Jones' room right now. On updates, his examination just ended, and his private doctor and some specialists are currently checking up at him. His condition is improving, oh, and meet me in room 1101 in the private section of the hospital. That's where I am right now."

Ruffy informed Ashley, who was relieved that her husband's condition was improving, and he had a higher chance of recovering much faster.
