
Chapter 68

In the end, Ashley chose to stay quiet and continued walking. She didn't realize that they were already by the casino's entrance.  Everyone was excited to inside the casino.  The siblings were joking around with each other while waiting for their turn to go in.

They were taking selfies, left and right ... Because of that, from the onlooker's point of view, they looked like people from the boondocks, so they caught the attention of the casino host who was standing by the entrance.

The Casino host who was guarding the entrance left and spoke with the security guard.  After a while, finally, it was the family's turn to go in...  First to go in was Jessie and Fely, whose bag was checked before the security let them in.

While the couple was about to go in, the casino host greeted them. "Welcome!" as the couple walked past her.  Fely smiled timidly while saying, "Thank you."   
