
Soothing his temper

In the bedroom, Dylan was hugging Lyla tightly. Not bothering to change his clothes, he brought her to the bed and lay down with her in his arm. Lyla who was struggling to get out from his embrace finally settle down when she knew she couldn't get out from his tight hug. She sighed and struggling to turn her body towards the man who's been staying quiet for sometime. She lifted up her hand to caressed his face and he just stare at her with his dark black eyes.

"They're just children. Don't be mad at them." She said in a gentle voice. Tightening his hand around her waist, his displeased face started to show.

"I don't like this at all. I've never treated you like this. What right do they have to make you looking exhausted. Your face look pale and your hair is in a mess. They disobey you."

"I was cleaning the house that's why i'm in a mess. And they didn't disobey me, they just wanted my attention as i was busy with cleaning just now. They wanted me to eat with them at the dinner table but i wanted to finish washing the dishes."

"Then they could have help you. Even if you didn't ask for them, they should volunteer themselves to help you." He still unwilling to let it go.

"Hubby, they're our kids. And they're still small. They should be playing around with us and enjoy their happy life. We will teach them slowly. There's no need to rush and besides, i'm planning to follow your suggestion before. We should hire a maid just so i can spend more time with our triplet. But i'll still be cooking our meals." She said. Trying to soothe his temper is not an easy thing.

"But i'm still displeased. They trouble you." She quickly put a kiss on his lip. Aside from that, she kisses his whole face before he finally start to smile.

"I like it this way. I want them to grow up without having to fear you. Raising kid are never easy. What more we have triplet. It's a blessing to be able to be their mother and you as their father. This is our greatest gift. Don't you think so? My tired days will be missed once they've grown up. And in future we end up wanting them to stay little forever. So, in the mean time i don't mind them troubling me all the time. It would be sad if they stop calling or asking for me." Dylan released a heavy sigh and at the same time loosen his hold onto her.

"I'm sorry. I'm being too protective towards you. Ever since you've been kidnapped i vow to protect you from any kind of harm. And that includes our children. I will have a proper talk with them later. Right now, i want you to stay here and rest."

"But they're still crying. Braxton can't coax them. They'll think you really took me away." She protested when he started to circling his arm around her waist again. True to her words, she can hear them wailing getting closer to the bedroom door. Dylan rolled his eyes. Knowing he's in the wrong for threatening his own kids. He reluctantly got up from the bed and open the bedroom door. The moment he open the bedroom door, the cry finally subsides a little.

"We're sorry. Please don't take mommy away. We won't trouble her the next time. We will listen to her. So daddy, don't take mommy away." Aiden said in between his sob. He's the most sensible one and will always be the first one to take action while Layla and Ryan will follow his lead. Dylan crouch down to the same level as his kids and look at them in the eye.

"Will you promise daddy to always take good care of mommy next time? To never let her be tired like today and to always listen to her words without any complaint?"

"We promise. We're sorry daddy." Dylan nodded his head before letting them inside the bedroom. Within a flash, they rushed towards Lyla and hugging her tightly. Lyla just laugh and soothe their crying at the same time. Glancing at her man standing at the end of the bed looking dissatisfied, she wave him over to come close to her and he spontaneously pick up Ryan who's hugging Lyla on her left side and shamelessly lay down beside her snaking his arm around her waist. Another hand hug Ryan closer to him and Lyla.

"You are mommy and daddy's treasure. We will always love you no matter what you do." Lyla said drowning with happiness.

"But daddy always want to take you away from us." Ryan complaint. Not caring the fact he was hugging Dylan and bad mouthing him at the same time. Lyla chuckled.

"Daddy don't love us." This time the little princess pouted.

"That's because i love your mommy more than i love you." Dylan replied.

"Hubby! Stop that. Listen to me well. Your daddy loves you a lot. There's no one else that loves you more than he does. Even though daddy can be fierce but that's because daddy wants to protect you like he protect me. He's my hero, my knight in shining armor. So, never say that daddy doesn't love you. My kids are smart. Surely you can see how daddy always pampers you more than he pamper me." Lyla straighten them up. She doesn't want her kids to doubt Dylan's love towards them. And seeing them smiling brightly she look at the man beside her and was gifted with a kiss on her lip. She smile at his warmth. Without Dylan, no matter how genius she was nothing can compare with the happiness that he bring in her life.

Sometimes a father's love is hardly to be seen. But that doesn't mean it isn't there. Don't forget to vote, rate or comment. Please give me a review also. Thank you.

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