
the sign and the gang of “Gods”

Weir, Wisker and Max were walking in the forest when suddenly the all felt something tighten around their foot/paw, and they all got flung into the air and were hanging upside down! They had walked right into a trap! Weir was not happy because he was normally on the lookout, but instead of just hanging around like a fool he started swinging so he could bite thru the Ropes or vines. "ooffffff" said Weir as Wisker and Max fell on top of him

(test two complete thought the Key)

"hey where's Weir and Wisker?" said Max "ugh ouch" groaned Weir and Wisker at the same time, "oh" said Max "you two are comfy" "really? Well you can get off us" growled Weir "oh yeah sure" said Max and Wisker.

"hmm I wonder who set that trap?" said Weir after they had gotten off him.

"hey look a sign that wasn't there a second ago" said Max

"I'll read it to you" said Weir 'it says" "good job Weir… you have completed test number two and you are one of the 4 people who have a chance of becoming the One who will get me out of the P.O.M

from K and the Reacher's' "uh… spooky" said Wisker "like how could they know your name?"

"what do you think "K" stands for? And what was test number one?" Said Weir

"um… guys the sign's disappeared" said Max "uh… well that's kinda impossible, isn't it?" "yeah… but like I said it's spooky" said Wisker "especially how they knew my name, let's go find those so called Reacher's" said Weir "sorry but I can't come" said Max

"ok… Wisker you go to his house and I'll go get some of my friends to help me on this quest.

"uh… that signs back…" said Max "hmm… maybe magic is real…" said Weir "hey I thought you didn't believe in magic?" said Wisker "I don't but that just changed because the sign is back and the writing is different" "what does it say?" "it says 'what you were an unbeliever?!" "uh" "Oh well at least you believe now, because I don't like unbelievers! And test #1 was the bear, Well back to the important stuff hey?" "yeah get on with it" "ok ok I get it you want me the Key to get to the important stuff. So here goes, you need to gather your three friends, who are also contestants, grab some packs and go on the Quest, to find me and my brothers.

Bring whatever you need, be quick it's quite boring where I am'.

"uh… like I said you go play or whatever it is you do I've got a quest, and I think I'll take the sign" said Weir

1 hour later:

"ugh… that's heavy are you sure I need all those clothes? Cos I've got my fur" said Weir "oh very well I guess you need to pack light" said Wendy "good now all I need is some food…" said Weir "oh fine, but no more than one week's worth" said Wendy "thanks" said Weir

20 minutes later

"hey Peter!" said Weir "rerk! Yeah?!" said Peter "wanna come on a quest?" said Weir "rawk! Yeah!" said Peter "uh are you just saying that or do you want to come?" said Weir "rerk? Wha-da-ya think?" said Peter "so yes?" said Weir "rerka! Aye" said Peter "cool all you need is a pack and a bit of food" said Weir "rawk! Righto" said Peter

10 minutes later:

"hey Leim!" said Weir "upsss…here" said Leim "where?" said weir "above youss…where the rockss are…warm" said Leim "oh there you are wanna come on a quest?" said Weir looking up "uh…what's…it for?" said Leim "it's the quest for the keys" said Weir

"nice…ok yeahs…I'll uh…comes what does…I need?" said Leim "uh a pack and some food" said Weir "ok…gives me 20 minutes…" said Leim

30 minutes later

"hey Dolly!" said Weir "eh eh yeah?" said Dolly "you can come onto land right?" said Weir "eh eh nuh-duh, that's what the feet are for" said Dolly "oh, good just checking want to come on a quest?" said Weir "eh oh yeah boo yeah" said Dolly "cool just bring a pack and some food" said Weir "yep yep yepity yep" said Dolly

5 minutes later

"Rawk! ok… now what is this quest thingy about?" said Peter "eh-eh yeah what?" said Dolly "is it's about a signs?" said Liam "yeah I was told to get you three for this quest, look if you don't believe me I've got proof" said Weir "Rerk! Ya don't need proof matey well believe ya anyway" said Peter "I'ds still likes some proofs tho" said Liam "eh-eh? No you do-don't" said Dolly "yeahs I dos might bes helpful" said Liam "hey your right" said Weir

"Rawk! ees right?!" said Peter "eh-eh-eh seems so" said Dolly "er…I'ms rights?" said Leim "yep… ah here it is" said Weir "eh itsa sign" said Dolly "Rawk-Rawk! Its magic!" said Peter "his rights, the words are's changing!" said Liam "yep what's it say this time" said Weir "great job Weir for gathering a team of 1 Bird, 1 sea creature, 1 reptile and one mammal you, though you didn't know it you did what I wanted, I thank you for that, oh yes, just thought you should know, your Gods' said Weir "eh eh er…" said Dolly "rerk?" said Peter "ssss?" said Liam "huh?" said Weir "ah yes sorry just found the "talk' button on this thing, it's very hard to use too especially because I am either a fish or a Key" said the key "Rawk-Rerk! Who's a pretty bird!" said Peter who by then was going a bit crazy the poor bird, "ahwoo-" started Weir but thought better of it "uh were Gods?" "yes" said the Key "Gods… what do we do?" said Weir "do? Nothing yet" said the Key "hows can wes be Godsss?" said Liam "well…you were…well…a said h…oh how did I get into this mess?... you're not Gods" said the Key.

sorry for the stupid and random release schedule my rave readers next chap in a few mins

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