
Ch. 3

"Yes mommy!" Lilac says as she hands her the flowers that she picked.

"They're so beautiful darling, thank you!" Her mother exclaims happily.

"Guess what, I made a new friend today mommy! His name is Cloudy! We-"

The butler bursts in hurriedly. "Madam, your husband is here to see you."

"Alright, tell him to come." She says as she smiles at her daughter again. "Darling, daddy is here. Are you happy to see him again?"


Lilac rarely sees her father because he is always working. However, she still respects and loves him.

Her father walks into the room. Lilac, who was chatting happily with her mother earlier, greets her father loudly.

"Hi daddy!"

"Samuel." Lilac's mother greets to the man.

"Alice. How are you feeling?" The man asks in a deep voice.

Alice glances at her daughter. "I'm feeling better than ever." She says, smiling brightly. "Lilac, why don't go pick some more flowers for daddy?"

"Okay mommy." Lilac says happily. She feels excited to give her dad a gift.

Samuel closes the door.

"How are you feeling actually?" He asks his wife with a stern expression.

"The doctor says I could die any second now."

"Very reassuring." Samuel says as he sighs. He sits next to his wife as he gently holds her hand.


Samuel leaves the room and walks outside to his car. Suddenly, he feels a tugging sensation on his shirt. He turns around to see his daughter looking up at him with her big brown eyes. Just like her mother.

"Daddy, I picked you some flowers." The little girl says as she holds up a handful of wildflowers.

The man gently receives the flowers. "Thank you, Lilac." He says as he looks at his daughter. She smiles up at him, her smile just like her mother's.

"Bye daddy!" The little girl says as she watches him get in the car. He looks out the window and waves to her, a small smile on his lips. On his lap, he holds the small bouquet of wildflowers in his hand dearly.


The next day, Lilac goes back to the meadow from the day before. She sees a familiar figure sitting under the willow tree again.

"Hey Cloudy!"
