
The gift of friendship

- Well, what is frozen? Let's go already!

- Grab your friends!

"Yes, Your Grace"!

"We will have to go to the southern continent for a long time, at least 1 year."

"Your guys beat all my magicians, broke spiritual stones, magic tools ...".

The beaten emperor sighed heavily.

- Oh, how boring you are!

- Just show me on this map where is your lair?

Dara touched his button on the robe, the projection of the map of the continents opened and hung in the air. The emperor, as in a trance, stared at the map, and it began to grow, showing rivers, forests, palaces, bridges. The emperor pointed his finger at one of the palaces on the mountain. "Here" only he could say.

- Well, let's go, straight from Dara, a huge hole opened like the mouth of a dragon, and there were billions of stars in it, where Dara and his army stepped into a hundred thousand strange black warriors with big and strong fists.

The monsters lay and could not move, some pretended to be unconscious so as not to receive more blows.

Dara, just snapped his thumb and forefinger on his right hand, as the monsters were swept over the obloco and they moved to the spatial rift, that's it.

Those, only could quietly gasp, even being afraid to imagine what this fat maniac is doing to them. He said something about tasty meat ... the monsters hoped it was not about them. In a cold sweat they played that they were asleep. Emperor, wrung his hands

"Don't kill them"!

"They're not tasty"!

"Some have human roots" !!!

"Don't become a cannibal" !!!

- What are you, a fool at all ?! Why do I have those who speak?

- I don't have a weakness for strange food!

- But the most delicious thing!

- Besides, I don't eat dirty food!

The monsters did not know whether to rejoice that they were dirty, or cry that they had been insulted. But life is so sweet, so these words can be forgiven, the main thing is not to eat them, and a few bruises are not a problem.

- Come on, I want to eat fruit and Dara looked evilly at the emperor!

He just swallowed, followed Dara, drooping his shoulders.

"I hoped that Dara didn't like to eat lion meat"!!!

His cousin Tiger, the forest of monsters, rode on skins and could no longer laugh, his stomach ached from laughter! In the crystal, he saw a very funny picture, his wild cousin looked like a wet cat and not a lion! His cousin often beat him, but now, he has a trump card to always stop him.

"After all, his lordship, really will not eat the talking Leo? Really? Yes? He certainly does not eat tigers"?

On the field lay only bent and broken weapons, weapons for 1 million monsters. The agents of the black shield and sword were an hour after the battle and could not understand what had happened, where the monsters had gone.

Where did the fat man evaporate? The merchant, from the Nine clan, sold all the goods, made a successful deal with Emperor Jia, giving him 8 Dara rosary beads. For this he received an exemption from customs duties for 10 years.

Which allowed the merchant to deceive the gullible merchants of the empire. He made a profit of 700 percent on goods. The emperor immediately recognized the material from which the beads were made, it was the bone of a disaster-class dark dragon.

Ancient dragon. Such beads could protect the entire imperial palace and the capital for 1 year!

From all monsters and armies of people! But he did not know the maniac Dar, so these beads protected not a year but 100 years!

The beads gave the owner a healthy body, protected from all types of poison, infections, gave an increase in strength of +10000!

So one bead was worth 1 year of income for three empires. The merchant has obviously made a bad bargain with the sale of beads, deceived himself, not understanding their value!

But most importantly, what is his background? That he was able to get 108 beads of this class!

Obviously not simple, it is better to maintain good relations with him! It's amazing that nomads have such a power plant, a strong warrior and magician! Still possessing crafting!

Nine genera, you need to be extremely polite with them! The next morning, Emperor Jia saw the box at the head of the bed.

And there were 108 beads in a rosary, a silk painting with a picture of a dragon near the gazebo, the same as in his garden, and a small teapot of white porcelain. For a smart person, such a gift will be a path of reflection, anxiety.

The wise will understand what this gift means and what these things are how to use them. His secret guard reported to the Emperor that in the morning, a spatial rift opened, they sitting on the rafters were frozen. Couldn't do anything.

The fat man came out of the rift, took peaches from the table, ate one, took the second, then rummaged in his pocket and put the box near the emperor's head. Then he again dissolved in the rift, and he immediately closed.

The emperor knew that it was a guest, that power plant, he wants peace for his family, that he does not harbor insidious intentions.

The gift is the gift of friendship.

The gifts themselves were proof of this!
