
Return to Renaissance city (Interlude)

A tired and emotionally drained Nathan sat on the breakfast table feeling completely drained he wished he had never opened and peeked inside those files those grotesque inhuman experimentation, it wanted to make him vomit they were all mere preparation for the 'Alpha' protocol this men women and children were simply prototype nothing more nothing less and it made him feel even more sick was the disregard of one's fellow disregard of life.

He understood the main reason for this project was to create better soldiers and he knew that there many countries who would pay astronomical amount to buy the super soldiers, even those who would oppose would do so because they would want the technology exclusively for themselves, he often wondered how they claim it for the betterment of humanity when they are killing off the human part from the humanity.

Nathan knew about seeing those he needs therapist help, wherever he looked he could he seemed be imagining them being tortured being experimented, he could see body deformation, various equipments that was tied to them and that girl with auburn hair he knew her, who is she? How did he know of her? Various thoughts ran rampant in his mind, the file itself did not have any name except in various codes and at the end a hand written note was present, 'I hope you had a pleasant time reading it, do not worry my wayward child, my greatest creation we will bring you home soon.'

Nathan was brought out of his musing as he looked into the eyes of his mother who was looking at him with concern while cupping his face as she spoke softly, "Son is there any problem you were sitting on the table with an emotionless look on your face, with your eyes unfocused and staring off into the distance? We have been sitting around you for some time now, we tried to call you but you were not responding is something wrong?"

She let go of his face as she took a seat by his side holding his hands he turned around as he looked others looking at him with concern even the house staff looked at him with concern, he saw his cousin's family, his grandparents, most of his team members except for Amelia were present as they had invited to dine with them for as long as they were staying here.

Nathan blinked as before he look down on the table trying hard to find words his action not only send alarms in his family's heads but made their concern reach zenith, Nathan was a boisterous and happy no matter what happened he always stood up with a smile never had any of them seen such a haunted and broken look in his face, that made them feel a shiver down their spine, even his teammates were a bit nervous they had never seen some look like that not to mention such a look on Nathan's face was akin to blasphemy for them.

"Nathan please whatever has happened feel free to share with us, we are all here for you, here have a drink.", his grandmother Isabella was already standing by his side as she helped him to drink from a glass of water.

Nathan drank the cool water as he felt it help him soothe his parched throat he took a deep breath as he began to speak, "Today after mom and dad left from my room I tried to fall asleep but I was having difficulty in doing so as such I decided to surf the net a bit, I saw a few emails in my inbox and I opened it amongst them was an email I thought was send to me by mistake, from the subject it seemed that someone was trying to reconnect with his son as such I thought about politely telling him that he had send the email to the wrong person."

He took a deep breath as he composed his thoughts once again at the same time trying to make another futile attempt to banish those dreadful pictures from his mind, "I opened it and it seemed like some official government files attached to it and it got me curious and I opened it."

Tristan frowned as he could feel his son's anguish yet he knew that he had to force him to tell everything that was the cause of his distress, as such he simply patted his hand trying to comfort him, something that Nathan unconsciously appreciated having both his parents providing him with moral support.

"The file was filled with various pictures and notes on human experimentation, the images were so grisly those people they were so ruthlessly tortured and and….", Nathan could no longer speak as tears fell from his eyes as he was hugged by his mother as he openly sobbed the others were feeling equally distraught, as Tristan patted him in his back trying to console him, as Aubriella whispered sweet nothingness in his ears Nathan.

Nikola did not know how to react seeing his cousin crying like that she wanted to step up and comfort him but she did not wish to intrude upon their family moment as both his grandmothers were by his side trying to comfort him.

Nathan controlled his emotions as he spoke, "You know the worst part all those were simply preparation for something called 'Alpha protocol' and 'Nova Genesis'.", upon hearing human experimentation was already send alarm buzzing inside the heads of the adults and hearing the word 'Alpha Protocol' and 'Nova Genesis' made the severity of the situation increase many times in their mind, and then he dropped the bomb, "Mom do you remembered a few months back a crazy woman had assaulted us during out outing spouting out how she knew me and everything.", Her mother nodded robotically at that as Nathan continued, "She said a name I remember, 'Children of Tia..', ugh DAD you are hurting me.", Nathan looked towards his father who had a look of intense fury on his face which momentarily disappeared as it was replaced with a kind smile while he let go of his son's hand as he spoke, "Sorry upon hearing such thing I got angry but do not worry Nathan I just remembered hearing something from one of friends that a group of people are spreading unrest by sending such emails I will make sure that they will be dealt with for spreading such distasteful and faux articles, now I am going to that particular email ok.", with that he left quickly.

Maksim stood up as he flashed Nathan a comforting smile as he spoke, "Do not worry son, your father and I will deal with it such disgraceful people spreading such awful false rumors.", he then turned towards his wife whom he gave a brief squeeze as he left, meanwhile Nathan's grandfathers joined them stating they would be searching for legal options to deal with the transgressions.

Aubriella was shaken to the core but she managed to compose herself only because of Yelena, her mother and mother-in-law's presence as she spoke in a reassuring manner as she spoke, "Nathan did I not tell you that you should not pay in heed to what a crazy woman blabs she might have overheard the name and cooked up a story there is no need for you to worry."

Yelena chimed in after her as she continued on Aubriella's behalf, "Nathan, not only your father and uncle are working on it but your grandfathers as well and I am confident enough to say that they would soon catch those criminals, I have never seen Uncles getting so much anger."

Saniyah nodded as she spoke, "Of course they would be after all Nathan is the apple of their eye and for someone to play such a distasteful joke on Nathan would make them furious."

Nathan did not why but something in the back of his mind was calling them liar, cheat who were simply trying to hide the truth but he shook such traitorous thoughts after all why would his family try to deceive him but then a face appeared from the deepest recess of his mind the auburn haired girl as he spoke with a frown, "I don't know mother it was a prank."

His words made them feel as if they had been plunged into icy depths of the ocean, for a moment their hearts specially Aubriella's heart stopped beating as Nathan continued, "Among them was a girl whom I seemed to be familiar with yet I could recall her name, but she was so familiar as if I knew her well."

Hearing that Aubriella's worse nightmare seemed to be coming to life, Nathan remembering everything but fortunately for her Nikola quickly took control of the situation as she spoke, "Nathan please look at me.", as he did so Nikola simply climbed on the table making others to be taken aback by her action as she pushed the plates and food away with Katrina's help, before she took a kneeling position in front of Nathan she had held his hand as she began to speak, "Nathan there is no one in this room that can relate nor they can fathom what you went through, but what I know is that when faced with such situation our brain sometimes try hold onto any straws it can get, as a result people with traumatic experience often hallucinate you might have seen someone like that before hand and you have mistakenly confused yourself with that person."

"I could not put it to better words than Nikola.", Retsuko looked directly into his eyes as she spoke, "I should know about it as I am a qualified Psychiatrist."

Everyone gawked at that making her brow twitch as Izuzu summed up everyone's thought as she spoke, "You never told us."

Retsuko snorted as she spoke, "It never came up.", she then looked at Nathan as she spoke with rare compassion in her voice, "Nathan remember you are not alone as Nikola said we might not understand what you went through but we, all of us are here for you.", Nathan gave a small barely noticeable smile as he send a grateful nod towards her.
