

From what Aero gathered the place is not that far from here. From what the Prince told him, they were ambushed at Erdanis forest.

They must have decided to go there to greet Dan not knowing Dan returned to the Capital City. I know Prince Edward is good friends with Dan so probably that is what happened.

Then in the forest they were ambushed. That is my guess.

By whom? Who would dare attack a Royal Couple and risking anger of the combined force of Duvar and Vanheim? Everyone knows that King Vrandeus of Duvar dotes on his daughter.

And everyone knows that the Vanheim King is treating this marriage as the marriage of the century

Even if they do not fear Duvar retaliation will they not fear the retaliation of Vanheim?

Who would be that stupid?

Aero sighed.

This could turn into an international incident if not handled well.
