

"What is this about?" He asked to the crowd, "What need could you have to call for me?"

"Where is the whore!" The crowd chanted in unison.

"What do you want her for?"

"She is helping the Noxians enter our lands! How could you let her do such a thing?"

"She is not helping them, she was attacked last night! Which one of you has proof that she is helping the Noxians?"

The crowd fell silent before chanting, "Give us the whore!"

"Do you not trust me?" He shouted, "I have protected you for so long, twenty years! Twenty Fucking Years! I put my life on the line for you people and this is how I am rewarded? Do you not need my help after all? Did I not earn my title of Guardian of Bilgewater? Our fleet wouldn't stand a chance if we didn't have the help of the Bilgewater Leviathans!" He paused as looked around the crowd, "Cassidy is not a whore, these lands are free of the Noxians and I killed those four Noxians! They died at my hand! Now, return to your occupations, no one is in danger! If we disband ourselves, we die! Together we will stand tall over the Noxians! Do you not agree?" The crowd cheered for him. They were, as he expected, very easily swayed from their so called convictions. He walked down from the stage and the crowd parted for him, letting him pass. They changed in a matter of minutes. No wonder rumors affect them so much.

"Capt'n, amazing speech. But I have a question from the people."

"What is it?"

"For the transmission of news and to prevent rumors."

"Set up an announcement board in the main square and have the news pass through me before it goes up."

"Great idea, Capt'n, I will get to work on that," He said, "Oh and I almost forgot about Cassidy."

"Tonight, I will give you my opinion on that matter, meet me at my house, near midnight, we shall discuss it there."

"Very well, Capt'n," He was quickly alone once more as the people went back to their work and slowly life had returned to normal. He walked back up the path he had walked up a million times before. The sea breeze blew softly, only his footsteps broke the silence on his way up the path. He stopped and took a drink. He admired the city he governed, night had fallen over it and only a few lights lit up the houses of the people. He had slowly turned himself into the most known person in Terruna. The Demacians knew of him as the Scourge of the Seas or the Noxian Terror, the Shuriman knew of him as the Ruler of the Seas and the Noxians knew him as their greatest resistance. He had turned Bilgewater from a single village empire and spread it to the entire island and the seas around it. The island was self sufficient and the people all had jobs and obeyed him. Of course, some were not happy sometimes but because of the lack of education most had and the respect they had for him, most of the problems were quickly resolved. He took another drink before reaching his house. He opened the door.

"What happened?"

"Nothing really," He said as he hung his coat on the chair by the table, "They are such easy sells."

"What do you mean?"

"They were shouting 'Give us the whore' and booing but by the end they were cheering and clapping for me, they just don't want you to, well you know."

"I see," She said as she puffed out a stream of smoke, "That it?"

"They accused you of helping the Noxians, but that was just rumors and so now, all the news will be posted on a bulletin board and before that it will pass through me."

She laughed, "You are one tyrant."

"Yeah, but it protects them from themselves, if I wasn't here, you would be dead, the Noxians would be attacking more often and they would implode and collapse," He sat on the bed next to her, "Did you think of what I told you?"

"Why you told me the story?"

"Yeah," He said as he took the cigarette from her hands, "Do you have a guess?"

"Nah, actually, I didn't think much of it," She said as he gave the cigarette back to her, "Why did you tell me that? Like your father is a serious kind of romantic, he sacrificed his body to protect her, but why did you tell me that?"

"Well, I see that you haven't figured it out yet," He said as he took a drink, "Want some?" He held out the bottle.

"Thanks," She said as she took a drink from the bottle, she coughed when she drank it, "What the fuck is this? What the fuck do you drink?"

"Blood Kelp," He smirked, "Strong, isn't it?"

"You drink this like water, and you used it to clean my wounds."

"Yeah, I got used to it, it helps to pass the time."

"Here, keep it," She said as she handed him the bottle, "I probably won't drink some anytime soon."

"More for me then," He said as a knock came on the door, "I have a meeting to get to."

"What for?"

"The people," He said as he put his coat on, he filled his bottle and put a dagger on his belt, "I'll be yours in an hour or two, you don't need to wait for me."

"See you later," She called to him as he opened the door.

"Capt'n, the other captains are waiting for you in the Captain's Bunker for you."

"Let's go," They arrived in the in room, the captains stood as when they saw him. A table was set up in the middle of the room with a map of Terruna and a map of Bilgewater. He walked to the table and faced the captains. He planted his dagger on the corner of the map of Bilgewater, "Today, I think we can agree that we are not putting enough pressure on Noxus. I think we should change our strategy from defensive to offensive. We shall increase the production of ships, cannons and gunpowder and cannonballs. This will allow us to pressure their ports and the building of new ships."

"Capt'n, where will we get the materials?"

"Send a group of workers to the Southern Rocks, those lands contain the material we need, and start building sea recovery gear. This will allow us to salvage material from Noxian ships and our fallen ships."

"Capt'n, should we recruit more men?"

"Of course, I will need announcements to be spread in the city and even around the island, we need men for the ships, for recovery, for material collection and we will need to make sure that we produce enough food to feed all of these people."

"I will start working on that Capt'n."

"Remember to show me afterwards."

"How many places shall we be offering?"

"We will need to man ten more ships, so approximately one hunderd, maybe more men, we will need fifty men, who know how to swim, for the salvage units, then we need to increase the productions with thirty or forty men," He said as he paced in front of the table, "But before that, we will sent up three groups of three ships over Sevinor's domain to fire at Noxian cities. The groups will alternate every eight hours with other ships to bring ammunition and food, make sure to bring oranges. The men will also alternate every 6 shifts. But this will have to be done with great care, if the Noxians try to attack, leave at once and send up a signal flare to call the others to protect from the attack."

"How long will we do this for?"

"As long as the Noxians don't send a ship with a white flag and are ready to sign a peace treaty with Bilgewater, we will continue, this should make them turn to another war and should leave us at peace for sometime."

"When will we start?

"This process will commence at best in a week. Any questions?"

"No Capt'n!" The generals said in unison.

"Very well, have a good night's rest, see you in the morning," He said as he left the building. The moon was still high in the night sky. The lights in the houses had died out. The bulletin board had been set up earlier that day, he walked with his arms behind his back, his coat swayed in the sea breeze. He stopped and lit a cigarette. He walked up the main street, past the still-lively tavern, then onto the dirt path leading to his house. He took a drink from his bottle, he sighed. More fighting. I hope it doesn't disturb Sevinor, since the ships will be rotating over his domain. I'll check tomorrow. He walked up the path to his house once more. The torch light still burned in the house. He opened the door.
