

On Christmas Eve, Justin snuck out of bed early, being sure not to wake his sleeping girlfriend so he could get the last gift for her. Everything else was already wrapped (albeit poorly) and under the tree.

Emily loved cats and since Cookie was off exploring the many rooms of their house so frequently that they hardly saw him he decided to get her a new kitten. There were plenty of animal shelters scattered through the L.A. area but he went to the closest one.

He was about to ask where the kittens were when he overheard two workers conversing in hushed tones far behind the counter. "Two pregnant mothers! We don't have the space or resources to take care of so many tiny kittens so they're on the euthanasia list. And at Christmas too! It's terrible but I can't take them; my apartment doesn't allow pets."

So many dead cats…Emily would be crushed if she knew. Justin had an idea.

"Excuse me!" he called loudly.
