
Stepping into the Eastern Side!

"What a view!" Loren said.

She can't help but gasp in amazement whilst watching the Ball of Fire rise in front of them. Her arms were raised in the air, enjoying the fresh and cool breeze of wind blowing past them. 

This made Sabrina glance towards her and said, "I know, right? It's even more peaceful here."

Before Loren could express her agreement to Sabrina, Pedro rose again to the sky--right in front of them. They can't help but watch Pedro and the reaction of the four men riding on his back. 

"Aaaaaaaaaah! Heeeeeeeelp!" Aldo cried on top of his lungs as he and the three NPCs were having one hell of a roller coaster ride of their life. Their faces were already pale as if they were sick, while their hands had tightly gripped on Pedro's spikey scales on his back. 
