

Walking towards her room yash was expecting some noises. But to his surprise their was none.He knocked the door but when no-one replied he entered the room and what he faced was a girls back facing him with her face burried in pillow , Kaira had no idea that the one entered her room was Yash and not maid. So she just said,"Rani please leave ,I want to be alone for some time".

Yash"...." To make his presence realized he coughed for few times.

Kair suddenly realized this was not Rani and sits on the bed with jolt. her eyes were still wet.

Why is this girl such a cry baby🤨 yash thought.

"Are you crying ?" he asked with his ice tone voice.

"I am not. Why will I even cry ?" she shouted.

"Ok. but why are you shouting?" he asked.

Kaira:"A...huh.. this is my room why are you here? I can do whatever I want to". "what are you doing in my room leave"

Yash found this incident quite funny and he just replied" why?"

"Because it's my room obviously you can't be here".

"I am your Fiancée why can't i be in your room" he replied casually.

"Fiancé???" she looked confused .

Looking at her expression yash just laughed and went to bed and hugged her and said "little one you need to have faith in me.You can't behave like this every time."

And kaira looked towards him and said " But you were talking about business. I am sure it was not about us ."

"Just because you have heard something you decided to make your imagination run wild . Why are you so silly?" yash said.

"I am not silly , you are the silly one for the whole journey you just replied with a single word or two how am I supposed to believe this?" Kaira said her thoughts loud.

"Little one you need to have faith in me and this relationship I will do whatever it will take to make this relationship work , don't always try to overthink everything . I didn't replied because your voice was like a music to me and I didn't want that to be disturbed". he said without any shame.

Kaira blushed and looked towards her feet "oooh... Sorry "she said.

Yash was amused how easily this girl can get angry and coax .He suddenly feel a urge to hug this little rabbit . but he stopped himself , when suddenly she throw herself in his arms.

Yash hold her tight and said " believe me oki?"

To which Kaira replied with more tight hug.
