
Analytical Prediction

'Did he actually predict that?'

I was personally fully capable of making a trick like this just by using my increasingly high Perception alongside 'Omni-viewing Eye', so it didn't necessarily mean something unreal like that. However…

That little detail almost made every single thing he said make some sense!


"So you are the so-called Fortune Teller."

"Hehe. I really don't like this nickname, but even that was only something that they called me later. Always scammer this, teller that. I am the Great Helper. The Great H. E. L. P. E. R."

The trauma was very apparent in his words, but it was completely understandable. Even currently, I could only get a scamming vibe for the way he spoke as well as the little showmanship he did just now.

"Are you saying you actually know what is going to happen?"
