
Sad Reality

Lilith could feel her left side starting to rage out of control, she was in complete astonishment but her left side wanted to rip the lord's throat out. She felt a low growl and her left eye felt like it was burning out of its lens.

"You bastard!" Lilith's voice growled and she felt a sudden flow of energy moving throughout her body. Lord Yasin looked into Lilith's eyes and he could see the war that she was dealing with, she was already half gone, the rest will soon break away. Yasin heard quiet, soft breathing inhaling and exhaling from Lilith. "Is she trying to fight the beast? She should know that is fertile, it only a matter of time before…" Yasin lost his train of thought when he saw Lilith getting up and walking out of his office. When he looked down, he saw that the Wolfshead blade and his scabbard that were gone. He was impressed to say that the young lady had sneaked her way to take his scabbard without him noticing.

A Brackenholme soldier ran up to Lord Yasin's office and said, "My lord, the Lion Guard, and the young lady are about to fight. Please, my lord, stop this before the girl gets hurt."

"There's nothing we can do for the girl," said Lord Yasin. "She is just like the old king."

Lilith approaches the arena where she hoped to find the Lion Guard in which she did, he stood in the middle. His arms crossed, his face ready to fight and his body didn't show any signs of fear, on the other hand, Lilith felt like she was gonna lose her legs. Her hands were shaking and she could feel the beast inside of her, yelling at her to retreat and go back to the Lyssia Woods. She calmed her nerves and entered the arena, she looked at the Lion Guard who seem to notice Lilith's fear.

"I'm glad that you came young lady," boomed the Lion Guard's voice. "It will be my honor to fight a commoner who dares defy the King's orders."

The Lion Guard pulled out his silver blade from his scabbard and pointed the tip directly at Lilith's face. "You're a fool to challenge him, Lilith, this will be our death," spoke the voice. "Let. Her. Be," spoke another voice, it was tenser, it was a voice that strikes fear in its path. She took a deep breath, she could hear the wind moving like water, the air was tight, low whispers from the viewers. Then she heard the voice of the Lion Guard raise and he started to advance towards her, she had yet to unsheath her sword and she hoped that she didn't need to. The Lion Guard shoves the top of the sword towards Lilith as she sidestepped to the right, she side kicked at the Guard's feet, making him lose balance and fall over his blade. Lilith moved away and waited for the Guard to get up, she knew that if she drew her sword, she would lose the speed that would overcome the Guard. The Guard got up and picked up his blade. "A man without his blade is a man that loses his will," her father would say that when they trained out in the meadow. The Guard ready himself, they both circled each other as if they were both hungry beast that was ready to fight each other to the death. The Guard charged at Lilith but this time he had his sword held up, Lilith reached for her sword but before she felt the handle of her sword, the silver was already deep in her left shoulder blade.

"Hehe not so tough are you, little girl," the Lion Guard mocked. "You're dead."

"So this is how it feels to have silver jammed into my body, it feels…"

"Like nothing," growled Lilith, with her free arm. She wiped at Guard's chest plate, launching the Guard off his feet and into the arena walls. She pulled out the silver sword that burrowed inside her shoulder and slammed its tip deep into the sand of the arena, she pulled out her own blade and dug it next to the silver blade. It has become a fair fight for both of them, well kinda. The Lion Guard's armor was higher quality than hers but it didn't mean that she couldn't knock the Guard out. The Lion Guard stood up, staring directly into at his sword that far from his reach. Lilith could hear a low growl from the man and she took it as a warning, the Guard charged at Lilith like a bull. His speed was slower than Lilith thought but it did catch her eye when the Guard reach behind his back. "A knife, probably silver," Lilith thought. Before she could move, the Guard swiftly threw the knife and it barely grazed Lilith's hair. As soon as she regains her balance, she charged at the Guard and tackled him down, knocking his helmet off and continuing to punch the Guard's face.

"That's enough," boomed a voice. "I think we need a talk, Lilith Redmire."

Lilith raised her head and saw Lord Yasin standing at the gate of the arena, she got off the Guard and even pick him up off his back. She headed back and picked up the Wolfshead blade and the Lionshead blade even the knife that barely grazed her.

"Hey!" shouted the Lion Guard. "Those are mine weapons!"

"Anyone who uses their rank and weapons to insult or hurt those who you are meant to protect," Lilith's voice was serious and stern. "Does not deserve where you are."
