

The drive was easy. There was no traffic. Since Young Xander had come out of the office before time and before he had cleared his work for the day, he was clearing his work in the car.

He was reading contracts and signing documents. Dominic was just looking at him through the rear-view mirror. This was the first time he was not understanding his boss. Nothing made sense.

'What did Lupe Gus do to him? Is she going to be our madam? Nope. She has kids. 2 kids as a matter of fact. No way, the old man will definitely not allow it. But what is this?'Dominic thought.

With time, they had arrived at the gate to Lupe's apartment building in Crystal Dwells. The guard didn't ask questions after he saw who was in the car.

Crystal Dwells was an estate made for the middle class people. It had all the facilities many people admired but not luxurious enough for the upper class. It was situated within City H. The apartment building that Lupe lived in was a highrise redbrick apartment.

Dominic parked the car at the VIP parking reserved in the basement. Young Xander walked in the building while Dominic rushed behind him literally running to catch up with his boss's long strides.

So they were at the reception area.

"Good afternoon Sir," the receptionist said with a smile plastered on her face.

Young Xander did not even look at her. Dominic only nodded his head as they walked towards elevator. The elevator stopped at the eighth floor and they walked out. They walked through the hallway and as they got nearer and nearer, they could only hear kid's laughter and adult's. Young Xander's lips curved upwards.

He stood at the door and did not ring the bell. Young Xander was just listening to them by the door.

"No mummy you have cheated,"

"No I've not,"

There was laughter.

"I'll such your pockets,"

Then there was laughter again of kids and adults.

"Cess help me,"

The kids laughed with their baby voices.

Finally the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it. It's pizza. I'm famished...," Lupe was shouting as she opened the door.

"Do you want to eat me?" Young Xander asked with his arm at the door frame.

Lupe was dumbfounded. Young Xander was smiling. From their position, one could think that they were about to kiss. Young Xander had bent his head a little bit while Lupe was right in front of him, her height reaching his chest and she was looking up at him since he was way taller.

"Ms. Lupe, do you want to eat me or to kiss me? Let me tell you that I'm okay with either or both," Young Xander was teasing her. He could see Lupe's face turning red with rage and for some reason he loved it.

He scannded Lupe's beauty and realized that she looked a whole different from her work look. In front of him, was a girl who had zero make up, her hair was put up in pony tail. She was baggy grey sweat pants and a white T-shirt. He also realized that underneath that T-shirt, there was no bra and for some reason, her perfect C cups were in place despite being bra less. Young Xander smirked at that. All these while, Lupe had not come to her senses.

"Mummy is the pizza here?" Gypsy asked as she ran towards her mother at the door.

When Gypsy saw the man, she hugged her mother's leg.

"Who are you?" Gypsy asked.

When Young Xander saw the girl, he knealt down to be at the same height as the little girl.

"Are you my mum's friend?"

"Yes. I am a friend of your mother," Young Xander looked up grinning and saw that Lupe was now looking at them in anger.

"Then come in,"
