

Seated at her desk playing with her pen distraughted, Lupe could only replay her boss's words in her head.

"Lupe, I've asked you to get an interview with Young Xander. It's been three weeks and yet nothing!" the editor in chief said in anger.

"But Sir,"

"But nothing. I don't want excuses Lupe. I want the interview with Young Xander in the next two days. We are counting on you!"

Okay, three weeks ago, she didn't know who Xander was. She did not understand the fuss behind this Xander guy. Since she was given the task to interview him, it was only right for Lupe to search and get data on this particular guy. That was not so bad, that was not so hard.

Getting in the internet, she typed the word YOUNG XANDER. A whole lot of of information about him appeared.

A thirty year old man coming from the lineage of Alexander The Great. Alexander The Great was the founder of Xander shipping company. It was the biggest shipping company in Country D. He gave his grandson, Young Xander the authority to take care of the company.

However, Young Xander added other investments. From technology to real estates to finance enterprises. He rebranded the company from Xander Shipping Company to Xander Inc.

"Hmmm so he comes from a great family and is great in business," Lupe shrugged.

She thought to view his photos. A lot of photos of him appeared. Mostly taken in the streets by paparazzi wearing sunglasses. He didn't mind the pictures taken. He was so cool and collected. He was tall and masculine.

Lupe went on to search for more photos. One photo of him appeared. He was staring directly at the camera. He had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerising deep ocean blue. His face was strong and defined, his features molded from granite. He had dark eye brows, which sloped downwards in a serious expression.

"No it can't be him," Lupe thought.

She clicked on that particular photo to view it in full size. A feeling of disorientation, dizziness and euphoria struck in as a bigger sized photo of Young Xander appeared on her

"How can it be him? What tricks is life playing with me?" Lupe wondered touching her forehead in shock.

"This was the man from three years ago!" she thought.

She just could not and did not want to believe it. Tears welled up in her eyes but she fought hard not to cry. A lump was choking her throat.

How was she to interview this particular guy? She knew she could get the interview no matter what. Not because she knew him in person, but because she was the best journalist in City H. She was labelled the Queen of Interviews because she could get interviews from prominent politicians and tycoons in the country even those who never wanted interviews.

So, getting an interview from Young Xander would be a piece of cake.

But she did not want to. She was not that strong. She strolled and delayed this interview for three weeks and she was not about to tell her boss why.

Lupe knew Xander from three years ago. By knowing, I mean knowing in all sense if you understand what I mean.

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