

  Chapter 106 Chapter 106 Gift of Pill, Intelligence Personnel Return from Wuxun City

  Ye Tian chuckled and said, "It's more than inhabited.On the island, it is much simpler and happier than on the mainland. There are no nobles who act arbitrarily, and no one collects taxes. They live entirely on their abilities."

  Bibi Dong hesitated: "Since the pirates are so free, why don't a large number of civilians flee to live on the island."

  "Didn't you just say that you live entirely on your ability, and the days of licking blood on the tip of the knife are not necessarily everyone's yearning."

  Ye Tian smiled.

  "Then what do you want?"

  Bibi Dong was even more puzzled, did Ye Tian like to live an adventurous life?

  "Of course I don't like to put myself in danger, not to mention your sister."Ye Tian said with a smile.

  "But sister, don't forget, I have a heavenly strategy army in my hands."

  "Let alone one Pearl Island, even if it is ten Pearl islands, I can easily settle it."

  "So, don't worry about the danger after moving."

  Bibi Dong probably understood Ye Tian's thoughts.

  If she were really Ye Tian's sister, not the pope of Wushun Hall, maybe she would agree without thinking.

  It's just that there are so many ifs in the world.

  "Let my sister think about it."

  Bibi Dong did not agree, nor did he refuse, simply dragging a word.

  Of course she would not follow Ye Tian to live on the island.

  Instead, he was thinking about how to have a showdown with Ye Tian after Nana got married.


  Ye Tian nodded lightly, but did not continue to persuade.

  After all, this kind of thing is too sudden.

  of course.

  Letting my sister think about it is just a relief. There is no doubt that the danger of staying on the mainland will be more, but it is still uncontrollable.

  No matter what his sister thought, he would let the whole family move to the island.

  If she doesn't adapt, she can wait four or five years before coming back.

  At that time, the mainland had ended the war and peace was restored.

  The two came to Butterfly Valley with their own thoughts.

  But not far away, Hu Liena looked at the wedding stage blankly, stunned in place.

  After hearing the sound of footsteps behind her, Hu Liena turned her head and said in shock: "It's dozens of meters high, this is too magnificent!"

  A few days ago, when she received the drawings, she didn't see that the real building was so magnificent.

  After sighing, Hu Liena felt a little distressed again.

  "Ye Tian, in fact, there is no need to spend so much effort. We are just holding a wedding. After the ceremony, these buildings are estimated to be useless. It is a waste."

  "This is all done by Chen Jian."Ye Tian shrugged, showing helplessness.

  I have to mention that the thinking of the older generation is indeed a bit stubborn, blindly pursuing a tall and generous spirit.

  When it came to this, Ye Tian thought of an extremely important thing.

  He took out two simple jade bottles from the storage space.

  "This is Tianyuan Pill and Gushun Pill. You can wash the marrow and cut the marrow, wake up and give it to you."

  "Thank you brother!"

  Hu Liena was so happy that she did not refuse, and went straight through the pill that Ye Tian handed over.

  As the golden generation of the Martial Soul Hall, Hu Liena is extremely eager for the pursuit of enhancing soul power.

  She poked the cap of one of the bottles of pill, and a fragrance of medicinal power came.

  Just took a sip and felt very comfortable.


  Hu Liena was moved. She knew that the pill refined by Ye Tian was absolutely precious.

  Even if it is as powerful as the Martial Soul Hall, it cannot provide such a top-of-the-line pill.

  "I'm so happy!"

  Hu Liena let out cheers, almost jumping up with excitement.

  "Look at making you happy."

  Ye Tian pressed Hu Liena's jade nose.

  "By the way, what is your martial soul?"

  "For so many days, I haven't seen you practice.If you want to improve your cultivation level, you can't just rely on pills."

  Ye Tian Dundun taught.

  Hearing this, Hu Liena was taken aback.

  Ye Tian was well-informed, and if she said that her martial soul was Tianhu, she would definitely be discovered by Ye Tian.

  Suppressing her inner surprise, Hu Liena hurriedly expressed:

  "My martial soul is eyes."

  The body martial soul, even if it is displayed, is almost the same as if it was not displayed.

  Although Ye Tian felt that Nana's performance was a bit weird, he didn't care much.

  He just exhorted: "If you want to make a difference in martial arts, you can't be lazy."

  Ye Tian didn't care at all whether Nana could become the title Douluo.

  Anyway, he didn't expect Nana to provide him with any combat power.

  It's good to live quietly.

  "Understand, brother."Hulena spit out her tongue.

  She usually works very hard, but in front of Ye Tian, in order not to expose herself, she has to stop practicing.

  Fortunately, this kind of day will not last long.

  "Teacher, listen to Old Chen, my wedding dress is in the dressing room behind the stage, let's go and have a look."

  Hu Liena set her sights on Bibi Dong.

  "Yes."Ye Tian chuckled lightly, and responded one step ahead of her sister.

  "Well, brother, you can't go."Hu Liena stopped seriously.

  Ye Tian suddenly closed her expression, stared at Hu Liena and said, "Is this sex discrimination?"

  "Probably."Hu Liena smiled.

  Briskly holding Bibi Dong's hand, he walked into the locker room not far away.


  Ye Tian stayed in place.

  At this time, Chen Jian, who had arrived late, came to Ye Tian.

  "Young master, I just came here and said that the people who inquired about the news from Wushun Hall were back."

  "Where are the people?"

  Ye Tian raised his head slightly. Although he was not interested in the dynamics of Wushun Hall, he did not hinder him from listening.

  "I guessed that you, young master, would probably summon them, so I took them to the entrance of Butterfly Valley to wait."

  Hearing that the intelligence personnel were just outside the valley, Ye Tian nodded slightly.

  Thinking of girls changing clothes, it will definitely take some time.

  Waiting here is also waiting. It's better to listen to the news brought by the intelligence personnel first.

  "Go, take a look with me."

  "Yes."Chen Jian responded, followed Ye Tian, and walked out of the valley.


  Outside the valley, two intelligence officers dressed as businessmen were chatting.

  When Ye Tian walked out of the valley with Chen Jian.

  Immediately in awe, he saluted Ye Tian: "Hello, young master."

  Ye Tian waved his hand lightly, and said with a smile: "You two have worked hard."

  I didn't even have time to change my clothes. It was indeed the first time that I came to pass on the information.

  He has always had clear rewards and punishments, and turned to Chen Jian and said, "Tell me, those who participate in this operation will double their bonuses at the end of the month."

  "Yes, sir."

  Chen Jian took out a small notebook and wrote it down.

  Ye Tian looked at the two intelligence officers in front of him and said with a smile: "Tell me what you have seen and heard."

  "Okay, young master."

  One of the older intelligence officers replied respectfully:

  "We have been in Wushun City for more than half a month. Since the captain of the 13th Brigade explained that the espionage intelligence is mainly training, we did not conduct in-depth exploration."

  "But we also looked for opportunities and got into several subordinate administrative agencies of the Wuxun Hall."

  "It was discovered that under the pope's crown in the Wuxun Hall, it had been secretly disappearing for several days."

  (End of this chapter)

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