
15 Come to See Where I Found it

Yuki watches him leave. She didn't miss his eye twitching. 'Oh, you do know that this book is about vampires. I bet he tried to translate it and failed miserably.' She giggles as she runs her hand over the book lovingly with a smile on her face. She cut her finger open and a drop fell on the cover on the book. "As the queen of the night, I command you to take my blood and reveal the truth that you are hiding." There was a flash of blue and the book opened to page 251. Her finger healed automatically. She lays on her stomach with the book on her pillow and begins reading the old text. 'This is full of the same information I already know but there is an interesting statement on this page. This tidbit of information will come in handy but, will I even need to use it?'

Cedric was unable to finish translating the book because of that one sentence but he was happy that he was done with it for the most part. He decided that was enough for today and got up and went back to the bedroom. He took down the spells on the door and walked in. He watched Yuki from the door as she was enjoying the book. He sneaked over to the bed to see if he could see what she was focusing on. The ancient text was still not translatable even for himself. He grabbed a strand of her hair. "You seem to be enjoying that book is there anything I should be aware of in the texts?" He watches her facial reaction.

Yuki was unaware that Cedric was back in the room and her eyes were dazed as she reading the ancient texts in the book. Yuki didn't move when he touched her hair but when he spoke she finally noticed his presence in the room. "Where did this book come from? It's been over two hundred years since I last saw it." She closed the book and stared into his eyes. Her expression was dark and tinged with sadness. 'I thought it was a fake book but it's the real deal. This is my book.'

Cedric couldn't hide the surprise on his face. "It was in this manor when I bought it. It took me six months to just translate the title. Does this mean you can read the book and you recognize it?" He ran his hand down her cheek. "I could show you where I found the book in the manor if that helps?"

"It was here all this time? This is one of my books so of course, I can read it, Master Cedric." She ran her hand down the book. "I don't know if it would be wise unless you empty the house of the mortals. It would be tragic if I lose control and attack someone while I explore the area where the book was hiding." Her eyes finally focus. 'I want to go where this book was found but it'll probably have the stench on blood there.'

"I'll send everyone home." He walks to the phone and dials the number for the butler. "Can you get all the help to leave the house and go home for the rest of the evening, please. I want to be alone with my companion." He got the response that everyone will be gone in 15 minutes and then he hangs up the phone. He walks up to Yuki and grabs her and lifts her face to his neck. "Feed now before I release you. That way you'll be able to control yourself better." He knew what had happened down where he was going to be taking her. 'I wonder if it'll be just my blood down there or if there will be other blood scents down there.

Yuki watched his actions closely. 'He seems to know that the area is dangerous for me to go to.' She felt his skin under her lips and her body shudders. She doesn't respond to him but bites down and drinks slowly. She can feel some fear off of him which was intoxicating, making the need for his blood even more of a delight to drink. Yuki only drank enough of his blood to tide her over. She wasn't really hungry to feed. She licked the bite marks closed. "If I attack you later know that I am not in control of myself. Also, try to keep in control of any fear you may feel. I'll be more inclined to attack you if I catch even a hint of fear." Yuki licked her lips and got up from the bed and looked in the wardrobe for something fitting to wear. She pulled out a pale blue sundress and slipped in on.

The blood is the life!

--Bram Stoker

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