
Expect a change.


"Yes. Her body is kicking out the poison now that she has a chance!" Feeling cocky about all those claims he made a few days ago, he added. "Since the King is dead, his mind control effects are forced to wear off. Anyone he put under his spell, will undergo the same process."

As Mogranius finished his sentence, something even more bizarre begun to happen. A ray of light started forming behind Mogranius, making a noise gentle to the ears. Eric managed to notice instantly and wasn't hesitant to point out out, "What the hell is that!"

Turning around, Mogranius saw a woman forming in front of him out of light and wind itself. Finally shaping, he managed to recognize her arm filled with black veins to the top and, she is wearing it with pride enough to pull her sleeve all the way up.

"Akareas?" Mogranius asked as two tears instantly broke from his eyes as a start and countless others followed. "I thought you were gone forever!"
