

"How dare you blame me for your mistakes?"

"Mother please calm down," Haixin pushed his mother's stick aside. "Ronghua apologize to mother right now!"

Shiya tried her very best to keep calm and not speak out of proportion, for if she did, her mother wouldn't only have to apologize but be subjected to many hard works. Which didn't seat right with her.

Ronghua gritted her teeth. Tears continued to fall from her face. "I'm... I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Haixin questioned.

"For speaking too loud to mother."

"Mother?" Haixin called out. All he did was for his family to look great in the public, he didn't want to lose the election because of their silly dramas.

Wenhui growled and hissed.

"Mother please..."

"And she would go free? You won't punish her?"

Shiya's jaw tightened. "Grandmother..."

"What? You're trying to stop me?" Wenhui was angry. "Why didn't you try to stop your mother?"
