
Finally, Some Warmth

When Mina gained consciousness, she felt numb. It took her a few minutes to feel anything. The atmosphere was still chilly. Unlike the biting cold that rendered her numb earlier, the chill was tolerable. Her teeth were no longer chattering although making any movement still took much effort.

It took her eyes a few minutes to adjust to the darkness in the room. She was eventually able to make out the silhouette of some pieces that would most likely be furniture.

'There's something wrong with my sight.'

Mina had to strain her eyes to see the things around her but everything still looked dark. Since she became a cat, the world looked better at night time. This time, however, she could barely see a thing in the dark.

Trying to feel her paws, Mina noticed that her claws wouldn't appear. After a second try, she was able to make a fist.

'That feels like a hand.'

Trying the same thing with the other hand, Mina was surprised when she replicated the motion.

'Hands? I have hands?'

Mina wanted to see if she was back in her human form but she could barely move her neck. Seeing no other choice, she willed her hands to move upwards to where she could see it.

Lifting one arm used up much of her energy but Mina persisted. Extending her arms, she felt something solid. Thankful for the support, she glided her hand over the smooth surface.

'Glass? Could this be glass?'

Finally, the hand came into view.

'Hands! It's really a hand!'

Mina continued to glide the hand upwards to confirm something else.

A wall.

There was an invisible wall between her and the world outside. Mina tried to feel through the space with the other hand. As expected, she could feel the same barrier from the other side. She looked outside, trying to make sense of where she was.

Mina felt her body shake. This time, it was not from the chilling temperature but from the fear that crept through her bones.

'Where is this place?'

'This glass makes me feel like I am in some kind of experiment?'

Mina's hands remained plastered on the invisible wall as she considered several possibilities. While she was lost in thought, she could feel a difference in the temperature. The chill enveloping slowly dissipated and the temperature seems to be warmer.

Mina blinked.

Unlike earlier, the blink felt easier to do. She moved a finger and tapped the invisible wall. Although the movement barely made a sound, it gave her some hope. With greater willpower, she tried to tap the wall again.

'Maybe someone else is here too!'

Mina paid more attention to the area in front of her. She detected some movement from her peripheral vision. Unsure, Mina continued to observe her surroundings and to her surprise, the human figure made its way towards her.

Mina could barely blink when she noticed that a person was right in front of her. It was too dark to see the person's appearance. There were no light sources nearby. But as the person looked into her eyes, she knew that his eyes were blue.

'These...these were the eyes I saw earlier.'

Not knowing what to do, Mina stared at the person who continued to hold her stare.

'Did this person come back for me?'

Mina tapped the glass, letting him know she was alive and needed help. As the person came closer she felt warmer, making it easier to make small movements. It was as if someone was embracing her and sharing body heat.

The person in front of her continued to study her. Impatient, she tapped the glass again, this time louder. The tap made a distinctively loud sound.

The person on the other side placed a hand on the area Mina tapped on.

Although there was a wall between her and this person, Mina's felt a warm sensation when the person outside placed his hand on the other side of the wall. It was as if someone held her hand. A warm current coursed through her veins, thawing the chill inside her body.

Mina stared back in confusion and slowly retracted her hand. But when she stopped touching the wall, she felt the chill again. She placed her hand back to its original position almost immediately.

Mina didn't know how long the man stood outside the glass. She basked in the warmth he offered without hesitation.

Just when Mina was about to address the stranger in front of her, she heard some movement from outside. Sensing the same thing, the stranger quickly stepped away and disappeared from view. However, before he could escape, Mina couldn't help but notice the light stagger in his steps.

When Mina lost her source of heat, her body started feeling tired. Mina didn't struggle as her eyes closed of their own volition. Unlike earlier, she did not feel fear as her world turned black. But before she could slip to an unconscious state, she felt a slight discomfort as if someone was tapping on her chest.
