
No one is allowed to touch them anymore

"So I heard that yesterday you open a new store. Some sort of relaxing entertainment as far as I heard, is that right? You even had the privilege to receive the Queen and the Future Crown Princess in the opening"

'Holy Mother of all Lords say to me this guy didn't discover my little tricks'

A blood-thirst, smiley Junior Demon was in front of me asking question.

By all rights, we should be right now going through the freakin' review he made me do about a boring book, but instead he's questioning me about yesterday events.

'Dear Holy Mother, God, Buddha or whatever divinity govern this world I offer a pray to you. I'm too young to die now. I beseech you to at least protect the feeble life of mine in the next few minutes'

Although cold sweat slide in my back, my noble mask never left or betrayed my uneasiness.

"Yes, they did. It's unfortunate that Miss Julia made a slight mishap and angered the Queen"

"Oh? I heard that it was because she was in deep pain because of some sort of treatment"

I slightly narrowed my eyes.

'It seems this guy still maintain some sort of contact to Julia. I wonder if Albert knows about it. Just the prospect of the future dog blood plot if this gets in his ears makes my blood boil in excitement'

"Yes, that was what Miss Julia said. But we didn't find any sort of injury on her and even the Queen agreed that the girl was exaggerating"

The Junior Demon only snorted.

"I really hope you're as innocent as you depict or else you will suffer a worse fate than your subordinates"

Whatever fear I had disappeared with this single phrase. Hearing his threat, my mind suddenly went blank and give way to a monumental anger.

No one. Absolutely no one is allowed to hurt my people. This is my inverse scale and it was already touched to much this year.

I tugged the collar of his shirt, pulling him down to my eyes level. Looking at his eyes that are as dark as the abyss, I uttered each syllable within gritted teeth.

"You better not mess up with my people, or else even the King won't be able to protect you"

The smile was wiped from his face leaving only a menacing blank face staring at me.

"Is this a threat?"

"Threat?" I shook my head. "No, it's a promise"

We stared each other a few seconds before I push him away and left the room.

Before I closed the door, I looked back at the guy who still had a menacing look as he stared at me.

"You better not forget yours, mine and hers stand. You are powerful but not all-powerful. Remember that"

Without further ado, I close the door and left this place.

I gracefully took steady and quick steps away from the classroom, or is what I like to believe. I probably looked as if I was running for my life -which I was.

I would spare nothing to protect and avenge those close to me, but it doesn't mean I forgot how dangerous that sadistic pervert of a teacher is. He's the type that would skin someone alive with a smile on his face just for his enjoyment.

I shook my head trying to dispel the scary thoughts about the devil I left behind.

'Whatever. I doubt he will touch anyone under me after what I said last. If I don't remember wrong, although he's interest in Julia his loyalty to Albert is unshakable'

But, since to many things already differ from the game and I should do countermeasures either way.

While thinking how to cope with any situation it may arise because of my little confrontation with teacher I arrived at the library.

Looking around, I quickly found who I was looking for.

A tall girl who was concentrated in reading a rather thick book completely oblivious to her surroundings.

Different from most of the noblewomen who acted all soft and cute since they saw Julia captured the hearts of the golden bachelors, the tall girl had a rather serious feeling. Just being around her people would unconsciously straighten their backs which was quite funny to see.

Approaching the table where she was, I could see she didn't realized that someone was close to her and was giving all her attention to the book, which spiked my curiosity on which book was so interesting that could capture someone's attention this much.

But just reading the title I had the urge to flee. Wasn't this one of the books that Junior Demon made me write a review on? Who in their sane mind would read something like that on their free time? Was perhaps some assignment pass by some other teacher?

"*cough* Uhm, excuse me, are you perhaps interested in the works of this author?"

The girl looked at me with a touch of annoyance and incomprehensibility. But as soon as we made eye contact she became flustered and... shy?

"Wha- no, uhm, I-I find him interesting"

"Sorry for interrupting you, it's just This is kinda of difficult book to be read by someone of our age and I, as someone who read it, couldn't stop myself in asking. If I'm a bother I will leave"

"No, no, no. Please stay!"

I looked at the adorable flustered tall girl. Who would have thought that the girl who had a serious aura seconds ago would react this cute to a common inquire. The moe gap is too much for my heart to take.

"Fufu, thank you my lady for excusing my rudeness. Would you mind discussing this book over a cup of tea in the gazebo?"

"I would love to!"

"I'm glad to hear it. My lovely lady please"

Making a move for her to follow, we proceeded to the gazebo.

I got the feeling in the end that Cecile was trying to hook the girl, but I couldn’t imagine this scene in any other way though ? maah... I guess she will be fine

Amoracreators' thoughts