
Aftermath (Julia POV)

Julia POV

My tears fell quickly because of the burning pain on my cheek. How could someone be so vicious? I only wanted to know if she properly asked forgiveness but she instead hit me and placed the fault on me...

Was it my fault?

I walked aimlessly in the corridors of the Royal Palace ignoring all the looks that were aimed at me until I found myself in in front of Al's office door. I hate how Miss Cecile was right in saying that I would come running to Al to complain.

If she's right about this could she be right about me being at fault? No, no, no. It was her fault. If she didn't arrest Mayne in the first place, perhaps he and the other four would be alive. I am not at fault; I just wanted to help my friend.

In my anxiety, I flung the doors opened and threw myself in the arms of my long missed fiancée. After he asked me who hurt the tears fell even more fiercely. After I explained the motive to Miss Cecile's vicious action, the comfort I was waiting for never came. I looked at Albert and saw that the pity that I thought I would see in his eyes was absent. Albert's eyes had disappointment, anger, and helplessness. In my confusion, Albert sighed and carried me to the couch. Different from always, instead of sitting me on his lap or his side he sat across me.

"Julia we need to talk"

I became even more tense with this phrase. Isn't this what people say when they are about to break up?!

"You know Julia, I liked you since the beginning because you never approached me because I'm Prince Albert or the Crown Prince, but just because you were interested in the Albert. Even Cecile wasn't by my side because of 'me' only, but because of my position. I fell in love with your childness and pureness that I can't find anywhere in the noble's world. In the noble society that is filled with treachery and lie, where we learn from the beginning to be bound by rules and never show weakness or our true self, you who grew up free and always stayed true to yourself was like a fresh breath of air"

I smiled at Al's words. It was not the first time listening to him boast about me and telling me why he picked me from all those gorgeous girls, but it always made me happy listening to it. It made me think at least that I could beat Miss Cecile.

"I thought I could keep you like this even after we marry and I made you the Queen. I would work for both of us and protect to you from all the dirty of this filthy society and all would go well. But this event made me think otherwise. I realized that I can't protect you and keep you like you are at the same time. If I increase the security around you, you would probably feel caged and something in you would change, and I can't let you keep doing what you doing either"

I tilted my head to Albert. I don't understand.

"What am I doing wrong?"

"*sigh* Julia do you understand why Cecile is so upset?"

"Hmm... to tell the truth no"

"The men that died were people that watched her grow. She knows their family and treats them as her family. What you did... what you said to Mayne and the fact you had a friendship with him spoiled all our plans. They only died because Mayne was there, and Mayne was there because of you my love. I know you didn't want to hurt anyone, but people in the noble society are treacherous and our enemies used your kindness"


"Shh. Let me finish. I know and she knows. But she also knows that someone in the Queen seat, the one she trained her whole life for, can't be occupied by someone like you my dear. It happened once, for sure it can happen twice. The outcome of having the Queen of our country cheated is disastrous..."

Albert pauses and looked at me with guilt... why would you look at me like that?

"... I know is very selfish of me to ask you this, but for the safety of my country and citizens, I would like to ask you to change your ways. I know this is unjust to you, so I understand if you want to break up. I'll give time to think"

I looked incredulously to Albert. I can't believe he's saying to break up!

"It isn't there another way? Do I really have to change to become as vicious and lifeless like the other nobles? Would you abandon me if I don't?!"

Almost screaming the last part, I looked at Albert hoping he would say this was all a big joke.

"Sorry my love, but I can't see another way..."

I blankly stared at him until an idea hit me. I was so thrilled with my idea that I jumped out of the sofa. Clapping my hands I opened a big smile to Albert.

"I know! Why don't you just abdicate from the Crown Prince position, you can ask for the King give you a fiefdom and we can live happily away from all this filthy!"

Albert got flustered with my idea. Hehehe, didn't think of it hm? Ain't I smart? I looked at Albert waiting for his positive response.

"I-I- "

Before he could express his happiness with my genius idea, a knock came.

"You can come in"

A man with red hair opened the door. Sir Sebastian, Tomas father and His Majesty's aid bowed to us.

"His Highness, Miss Julia"

"Hey Uncle Sebastian, how are you?"

Opening a kind smile to me Uncle Sebastian answered me.

"I am fine, Miss Julia. Your Highness, His Majesty is summoning you to his quarters"

"I understand, I'll go with you. Julia we'll talk later"

Getting up, Albert followed Uncle Sebastian and exited the room.

Looking at the close door, a wide smile appeared in my face.

'Fufu, should I look for fiefdoms good to raise children?'

Holy Molly!

What do you think Albert would answer Julia if Sir Sebastian didn't show?

Two Chappies today cuz I think they are inseparable of each other

Tmw will be the King and Queen POV

Amoracreators' thoughts