
Shantanu Accepts Bhishma as Son(Part 3)

A lady: It's King Shantanu! They are here to protect us.

Shantanu orders his army to stop.

Shantanu: How you dare to get in Shantanu's kingdom, you demons? Now none of you will make it from here.

Shantanu orders his army to attack.

Man(who saved the village from demons): Hold on! They have accepted the surrender. They will never attack on human's landing. And now no one is going to hurt these demons(by saying that he comes forward).

Shantanu: Who are you to order? on the basis of which power are you daring?

Man: War is not always the proof of power.

Shantanu: Not with your words, prove yourself from your deeds. How will you protect these demons? My large army is blocking their way out. They are not gonna make it from here.

{Shantanu's army is blocking their way out from three sides and on the fourth sides there is the river Ganga with her fast flow}.

Man(The savior) Looks at the Ganga river: Mother Ganga will stop to flow and it will become the way out for them.

Shantanu(with a sad face): no one can ever stop the Ganga to flow.

[Man pulls the bow cord. An arrow appears on his bow. And he shoots the arrow in the sky and it converts itself into numerous number of arrows which stops the flow of the Ganga.]

Shantanu: Who are you? Why the river Ganga stopped her flow by hearing your prayers?

A female voice comes from the river: Because the Lord Shiva himself can't avoid the wishes of his children.

The Mother Ganga dawn to upon the river and comes out. Man(the savior) asks for blessings by touching her feet.

Shantanu: Your son?

Mother Ganga: Not mine, Our son my king!

Man look at king Shantanu by surprise.

Mother Ganga: Few years ago when i was taking along our son with me, i made you a promise that i will bring our son Devratha back to you as your successor.

Devratha comes forward and touch the Shantanu's feet for blessings.

Shantanu: Your place is in my heart my son!

Shantanu embraces Devratha: You don't know my son, i had been waiting for you since then, every day and night.

Mother Ganga: Your son have received his education from the Lord Parashuram himself. I have made my promise.

Shantanu: Ganga never breaks her promise. Unfortunately i was the one who broke the promise otherwise you would be my wife and the queen of Hastinapur.

Mother Ganga: I had asked for that promise which you had to break. And about the queen thing, So a river is a queen of every kingdom.

Shantanu smiles.

Mother Ganga: Go with your father my son. Now it's your duty to serve your father.

Devratha: As your wish mother.

Mother Ganga disappears.

[Is Devratha is going to be a successor of king Shantanu and the king of Hastinapur?

Or there is something which will prevent this coronation. ]

[To know, stay reading]
