

Emong knelt in front of General Hiro, who, in his perspective, was looking down on him with contempt and anger in his eyes. Emong maintained his sights on the floor, readying himself to grovel at some point when the general would give his decree. He closed his eyes and prayed to every god he knew. Hell, he would've prayed to any evil god just to be alive.

"Emong," he heard the general say. He gulped down his saliva and fearfully looked at the general. He saw the general smirk at him.

"Denaire," he heard him say. "Is this the courageous fellow you said were helping you?"

Emong furrowed his brows in confusion. Courageous? Helping? And Denaire? What is going on?

"Hiro, of course he'll look like that because an enemy general just called him."

"Well, he should have shown something like a brave face."

Denaire went out from her hiding place and approached the general. "Anyone would look like that when the hope you always had of surviving is slowly crumbling away." And then she looked at Emong. "Emong, how are you?"

Emong was now confused more than ever. He thought for a second that Denaire betrayed her. But he knew that Denaire could never do that. So, what is this?

"Your comrade has been tongue-tied, Denaire," the general said with a laugh.

Denaire scowled at him. "Because you scared him! Quick! Tell him what it is you want!"

The general sighed; feeling like the true general was the lovely lady on his side. "Emong, Denaire has told me everything about you, including the whole truth of what went in Oniro. I commend you for your courage and for being with Denaire."

Emong suddenly realized something. "Wait, wait. You are not mad at what we were doing?"

"By what you are both doing, meaning smuggling materials for Denaire? Then yes. Thank you for supporting Denaire. But now that I am with you – "

Emong hastily stood up and glared at the general. "Wait, with us? What are you talking about?"

Denaire walked towards Emong, her hands outstretched to reach for his elbows. "Emong, Hiro knows now the truth. He wants to help us bring down that evil Exoshan King."

Emong backed a step. "What makes you so sure, Denaire, that this," he pointed the general aggressively, "general will not betray us? What if this is a trap? What if he's waiting for the right time to sell us and all the information to the King?"

Hiro stood up as well and gently implored to him. "Emong, I promise you. I will do no such thing. I do not want to hurt Denaire."

"Why? Who is Denaire to you?" Emong challenged the general.

"Emong – "

"Denaire is my life. Hurting her would mean hurting myself." General Hiro said with sincerity.

Emong looked at him, searching for any trace of lie in his face. But he found none. "Okay then General, what took you to cross the other side?"

"Well, we should first sit down."

Emong nodded and they both sat face to face in the tea table.

Denaire, seeing this turn of events, said awkwardly, "Uh, I'll go get you both some tea." And she ran towards the kitchen.

While boiling water, Denaire thought of what Hiro said earlier, of what she is to him. He said something really crazy. But when he did say it, she believed it. And she couldn't help but be comfortable to him because he is such a sweet guy. He does everything for her sake, and when they fight, he really finds a good compromise so that he wouldn't hurt her feelings.

She thought that maybe she is really loving the guy.

"No!" she screamed silently. She smacked both her cheeks to put some sense to herself. She has Amon already, and she couldn't betray him for they both love each other. They have been together for so many years. And they experienced too many in the company of each other. She loved him, and he loved her.

But Hiro…..

She was pulled out from her thoughts when the water finally boiled. She prepared the tea and went out to a scene where both of the men who were at each other's throat earlier were now laughing.

She quickened her steps and loudly said, "Did I miss the fun part already?"

Hiro looked at her and beamed. There was so much happiness in his eyes that Denaire was finding hard to accept. But she smiled to him, nevertheless.

"Nah. Emong here just told his funny and loving moments with the love of his life."

Denaire put the tray on the table and served both gentlemen with tea. Emong and Hiro watched her attentively, Hiro, giving her more attention.

"Denaire, I can't wait to do the same with you."

Denaire tensed. She looked at Hiro, confusion in her face. Hiro smiled it off and helped her take a seat. She diverted her sight to Emong, which was a mistake. Emong looked at her like she did something wrong.

And wrong she did, for she let Hiro's feeling for her grow more. How could she get out of this situation?

Hi. Your author is sick. Gaaaah~ stuffy nose and some headache. I hate this feeling.

But anyway, thank you for reading!

Lovelots ❤❤

Aedioncreators' thoughts