
Monday Storms (3)

Sia quietly watched Will across the table. Even though what he said sounded like a question it wasn't one she could answer.

Not paying heed to her silence, Will started reminiscing,

"Well, you caught my attention because of the savage way you dealt with Alex on your first call. Plus, because of uncle's nonstop praises for you," he chuckled and continued, "I should admit that the next time I saw you, the first thing I noticed was how beautiful you were. But, it wasn't just that. More than that it's about the feeling you gave me.

When I am with you it feels like a missing part of me is returned to me. I can't describe it, but the moment you talk my heart feels at ease, your voice is like a lullaby that relaxes all my worries."

He stopped for a moment to look at her who was still listening, waiting for him to finish.

"I know it might sound crazy as we have known each other for a few weeks only, but even this short amount of time has made me realize that I want you to be with me.

Sia, I have fallen so hard for you."

With a slightly hoarse voice asked,

"Is there really no way for us?"

The person known for being a cold and non-sentimental person was now actually saying so much. Just this fact alone was enough to show his seriousness. But the content of his speech said much more than that. And she knew this.

Taking a deep breath she wanted to say all the usual speech people give when rejecting, but instead what came out of her mouth was the real feelings she had,

"Will, I am really grateful for the way you feel for me. But, I can't accept your feelings. My heart already belongs to someone else and it is filled to the brim with him. The space I have in my heart is not even enough to contain my feelings for Cain and there is no way anyone can ever replace him.

I know you are a nice person and a good friend too. Honestly, if you were someone else I would not even be sitting here talking to you."

She closed her eyes for a second and then looked into his eyes and continued,

"I know I sound like a hypocrite when I say this, but, the most we can be is friends. However, I know that friendship is not something that can be forced. And I can imagine that it will be hard for you to see me as a friend. But, whenever you are ready, know that you can find a friend in me. And if you never are, know that I will never judge you for that."

Even though he already knew her answer, knowing and experiencing were two different things. It felt like his heart was being pricked at the moment. His rationality was telling him to stop, but his heart wanted him to fight. And, in the matters of heart, heart's voice almost always prevailed.

"From what I heard the last time isn't it that you are more grateful to him and dependent on him instead of loving him?"

For a moment Sia was taken aback by his question. Her heart started filling with rage: yes, she was grateful to him, but love and gratefulness had never been mutually exclusive. How could he make it sound like her love was a misunderstanding?

"Will, I know what loving and being grateful is. And towards him I feel both."

She didn't want to say anymore. When she was with Cain, she liked being wordy and chatty about her feelings. Both of them had their insecurities and hearing your loved one's heart from time to time was akin to taking a miracle drug. Even though you knew everything when your beloved voiced out his thoughts, you felt more contended with your feelings. And anyways, she and Cain were a new couple. Even though they knew each other for years, there was a gap in their communication when it came to their feelings. So she didn't mind filling the gap.

But, this didn't really apply to other people: she didn't like explaining herself and her choices and Will realised it too. However, it felt like he was somehow possessed by his feelings. He knew he should stop but he couldn't;

"Do you know that he is a murderer? Do you know that he kills without batting an eyelid? The tortures you went through, he delivers even worse tortures to others!"

His voice rose slightly in the end. He didn't mean to do so but he couldn't contain the rage and the envy towards that person.

On the other hand Sia was staring calmly at him. Once he was finished, she didn't even need to think before answering,

"So what? He has been nothing but good to me. He is my guardian angel, my protector, someone who in the same way won't bat an eyelid when putting his life on the line for me.

I love him for who he is. And it includes his dark side too."

Will felt enraged when he heard Sia. Why was she like that towards another man? How could Cain have her heart just because he met him before?

"Really? Even though because of that dark side of him hundreds had died? Has he told you that he is currently trying to become the underworld king? He is literally trying to become the head of the people who know no rule or regulation!"

His tone became vicious. He was going crazy from her protectiveness towards Cain.

Wasn't it natural for a man to protect his woman? Why was she making it sound so special? Why was she accepting someone covered in blood.

"Enough!" Sia said abruptly, in an imposing but calm manner.

"Will, don't ruin the good impression I have of you. Whatever you say about him will not affect my feelings. Some people don't even have the liberty of choice, and he is one of those. Whatever he has done has made him who I love today.

I know you are emotional now, so let's stop here. We can talk when you sort out your feelings and your standing."

Without waiting for a response she stood up and walked towards the door. But, before leaving the room, she turned back and said;

"I know you are not like this. And I hope your future choice would reflect who you really are. On the same note, I hope that you will learn to respect my choices.

Light and darkness are interconnected. Everyone caries their darkness in them, and instead of ignoring it, we should cherish it. As without darkness there would be no light."

With these words she turned on her heels and exited the room. The moment she left the room she got a message that left her rooted on spot for a moment;

"The dark side of me wants to kidnap you and lock you up so that no one can even come near you. Can I do that?" - King

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