

Xiao Jun thought about it, but he didn't recall that Mo Xuan Fei had asked him to help him to save Lin Xingyan or he mentioned what kind of help that he needed.

"No." Xiao Jun shook his head and gave up his attempted to feed Qianru with the vegetable. "He didn't mention what kind of help that he needs."

Xiao Jun raised another chunk of chicken breast that Qianru bit happily, she munched it slowly. "Did you agree to help him?"

"I let him come with me." Xiao Jun nodded.

Qianru frowned, was it wise to let him come? "We still didn't know his motive yet, how if he is under the Emperor influence and will harm you?"

Xiao Jun raised his hand and smoothened Qianru wrinkled eyebrows with his thumb. "Mo Qian Yuan has sent him to me to watch my moves, if he really needs help I will see what kind of help that I can give to him."

"And how if it is part of the Emperor's plan?" Qianru still didn't feel at ease at all.
