
The one?

Before Chris touched my lips Nolen pushes him causing him to fall onto the floor. I get shocked and looks at Nolen.

Nolen: "Why the fuck is you trying to kiss him?! you pervert!" he goes down to Chris and grabs the collar of his shirt.

Chris: "Why the fuck do you care, get the fuck off of me!" he tries getting free but I know Nolen is way stronger than Chris.

"Nolen, let him go" I look down at them. Nolen gets up then goes to me.

Nolen: "I'm baby, I trust you but I just don't trust him as you can see."

Chris: "Joesph whose this?" he gets up and looks at me.

"This is my boyfriend."

Chris: "Boyfriend?" he seems shocked and a bit jealous.

"Yeah, we've been dating for a couple of months already."

Chris: "Well this was fun" he glares at Nolen, "Have fun with your little boy toy" he walks back to the exit and pushes Nolen with his arm.

"Let's go home Nolen" I turn and starts to walk.

Nolen: "Hey you okay?" He walks next to me and tries to hold my hand.

"Yeah I'm fine, let's just go home please." He sighs then takes me to his car and we drive off back to the house.

Nolen: "Baby look, I felt something was going to happen and so I stayed and watched if something was going to happen like he was going to hurt you and..." I kiss his cheek.

"I know babe" I smile then holds his hand.

Nolen: "I love you" he smiles then kisses my hand.

"I love you too."

Nolen: "How about this we go away this weekend just us two." He stops at a red light and turns his head towards me.

"Sure but where to? and do we even have the money?"

Nolen: "To the beach, I know how much you love it and I been saving up money for us to go."

"Awee babe" I hug him and tears up a bit but tries holding the tears back.

Nolen: "I will do anything for you baby, just know that."

"I'm so lucky to have you babe." he starts to drive again as soon as the light turns green.

Nolen: I'm lucky to have you, baby."

*Hours later 10 pm*

I sit on the couch and Nolen comes down to me all dressed in a shirt that outlines his muscles and some dark blue jeans.

Nolen: "Hey baby you wanna come to the club with me and my friends?"

"Uh, I'm not really a clubbing type of person" I look down.

Nolen: "Come on just this type, please?"

"Fine, only this time and what I wear you can't change this time."

Nolen: "But babe!"

"Your wearing stuff like that so can I" I smile then goes up to the room and gets some clothes. Nolen smirks and laughs as he follows me.

Nolen: "That's fair baby" he goes to me and kisses me.

"Okay let me change babe" I blush then turns to my clothes and take off my shirt. He bites his lip smiling.

Nolen: "Can I help with that?" he kisses me deeply then his hand slowly go down my pants. My hands slowly go up to his shirt taking it off then slowly his pants.

Nolen: "Let me lock the door first baby" he smirks then goes to the door locking it then goes back to me, he lays me on the bed and kisses down my body.

*After, minutes pass by*

I pant laying next to Nolen then he kisses me again. He smiles at me and I smile back blushing, my neck and some parts of my body were covered in hickeys but his neck was full of them.

Nolen: "I love you so much, baby."

"I love you too babe" I smile and kiss back, "So do we still have to go to the club?"

Nolen: "Oh yeah come on, he gets up naked then put's on his boxers and the clothes back on.

"Awwwww" I sigh and groans as I get up in pain a bit but continues putting on the clothes I was supposed to put on. I wore a white shirt then some dark blue jeans, I go around to Nolen and kisses him.

Nolen: "You're so cute" he smiles then holds my hands. "Let's go baby" he takes me down to his car and drives off to this night club blocks down. I would ask how he knows where it is but I didn't, we finally arrive and park on the other side of the road because they were a lot of cars parked already.

Nolen: "Okay just follow me baby" I nod and do as he said then as we get in loud music plays and crowds of people dancing, I get scared and hugs Nolen's arm. "Hey everything is going to be okay come on I will find us a table and I need to find my friends also."

"O-o-okay" I follow him through the club and we finally reached at least one table, I sat down and Nolen's friends appear from behind him.

Nolen: "Hey wassup guys!" he shakes their hand and hugs them smiling and laughing. I stay quiet and looks down hiding my face not wanting to talk and because I was shy.

Jake: "Hey let's get some drinks man" all his friends agreed and they all walked to the bar Nolen leaving me behind. After a while I got tired and I checked the time and it was already about to be 1 am, so I go to find Nolen and it gave me anxiety because there were so many people and once I get an open space I look up seeing Nolen dancing with some guy. I figured it was nothing because nothing was going on but as I got closer their lips touched and I shook my head. Jake sees me then goes to Nolen and tells him.

Nolen: "Babe!" I shake my head then turns back into the crowd. He tries to go after me but he loses me and I finally reach the exit, I walk to a bus stop where there were some benches and I sat down. It started to rain slowly, I knew if I went back home he would find me so I might as well go somewhere he won't hopefully. I get up then starts to walk where I felt safe even after all that happened.

*The forest of Life, 1;30 am*

I finally made it then goes to one tree to another, I finally found a small shelter I could stay in and I get in.

Nolen: "Joesph!" I hear Nolen's voice yelling for me but I stay silent, I didn't want to talk to him but I was confused on how he found me. "Please come out, I need to talk to you!" I sigh then yells back.

"Leave me alone we have nothing to talk about!" He hears me and follows my voice and I look up at him soaking wet from the rain.

Nolen: "Baby please, let me explain."

"Fuck off." I look back down and curls up.

Nolen: "No I love you and only you, I messed up only because I was drunk and.." I get up and go to him.

"So what?! You decided to drink, you decided to go to the club so you can't blame it on anything else besides you and..." He kisses me deeply and I almost given in then pushes him back. "No! stop trying that won't do anything!"

Nolen: "I know but I wanted to prove that I only love you and only want to be with you so.." he gets on one knee then pulls out a tiny box, he opens it and a ring appears. "Will you marry me?"...
