
The Beginning of the Season at College Basketball 2

"Congratulations on beating Jake, another broken record this year, this year was amazing for you, should this be the last marathon you're going to run this year?"

"Yes, it's my last marathon this year, thanks for helping me out so much this year."

"It's just my job, I have to thank you for always winning marathons, as I was the one who came up with the idea of ​​hiring you for our company to sponsor, I'm gaining a lot of recognition for that."

"I'm glad to hear that, I don't think we'll see each other again this year, have a happy holiday season and wait for some good news from me at basketball games."

"Thanks, I'll see you next year."

Living together can make a new friendship come to life, even though they never really liked John because their contract was just about business, after receiving his goodwill and help for so many months Jake began to want to be friends with John.
