
Time of Changes 5

Seeing that Jake still did not understand why even after so many indirect Jenny just sighed, she did not want to say it directly because it was one more thing about her parents, but she saw that she would have to speak more directly.

"Jake, my parents are quite relaxed with me, they do not care much about whom I date and do not control my life much, but what happened to my brother was a big shock to them."

"They trusted my brother a lot and we're sure that everything would happen the way my brother would be the perfect heir to the family name, but you know what happened."

"Even though they're pretty liberal with whom I date, I've never introduced anyone to my parents, do you know why?"

Jake already understood everything, but he still did not want to believe it, and he wanted to hear everything from Jenny to see if it was true what the last things he said so far were true.
