
Eve is in the house!

Aiden inhaled the familiar scent of the medicinal cream Sarah carries around. She always applies in on him for the smallest cut and bruise, even when he says that it's not necessary.

Aiden wondered, did he get hurt on the last mission? No, he didn't go on a mission in ages because they are infiltrating the base of the Voronin family and he is participating in some ridiculous competition while Sarah is watching from the bleachers.

Aiden remembered his last task with the safe, and the room without oxygen, and Maksim, and that Maksim wants to have dinner with Sarah, and that there was a package delivery… and then there was a knock on the door and Aiden thought that Hong is early but it was several guys and… Aiden opened his eyes in panic.

"It's OK…", Sarah said with urgency while cupping Aiden's panic-stricken face in her palms and forcing him to focus on her.
